SUMMER 2006 | FALL 2004 | SUMMER 2004 | FALL 2003 | SPRING 2003 | FALL 2002 | SPRING 2002


Training of faculty and students in interdisciplinary research topics requires creative new approaches. Many timely research issues will be initiated by courses that are co-taught by faculty from different departments and that include visiting faculty fellows. The Center can support ad hoc short courses developed as needed. Courses are co-ordinated by Duke faculty and can include lecture and research activities involving other institutions and the private sector. Short course proposals will demonstrate a science need, a clientele (usually graduate students and faculty) and a creative approach.


Rapid change in environmental sciences means that graduates of the next decade will have to move beyond the traditional skills available though standard, disciplinary coursework. Cross-disciplinary training is viewed as critical, but it requires careful thought. Graduate training is a focus of the Center. New interdisciplinary courses within the newly created Graduate Program in Ecology at Duke, help to fill the need for cross-disciplinary training. Working groups are strongly encouraged to offer novel training options that could diverge from the traditional lecture/lab formats. Courses should complement working group goals while broadening the opportunities for multidisciplinary training.


© 2004 Center on Global Change
Box 90658, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0658
A150 Levine Science Research Center (LSRC), Research Drive, West Campus
Tel: 919-681-7180 Fax: 919-681-7176 E-mail:

Last updated November 16, 2005