SUMMER 2006 | FALL 2004 | SUMMER 2004 | FALL 2003 | SPRING 2003 | FALL 2002 | SPRING 2002

FALL 2002

CNS 201 (Recommended prerequisite: Physics 213 or equivalent)
Time: Tu/Th 2:15-3:30pm
Location: Physics 113
(2 graduate credits or 1 undergraduate credit)

The course will explore the role of terrestrial ecosystems in regulating atmospheric CO2 and water uptake. Faculty participating in the lecture series will explore different areas of science related to this question. A common theme in this course will be the role of complexity and scaling across orders of magnitude, from dynamics at the level of plant tracheids to interactions across different landscapes.

This is a special version of NCS 201S/PHY 201S, Nonlinear and Complex Systems 201, which has two components: survey lectures by Duke experts active in CNCS research on their research areas and regular attendance in the CNCS seminar series.

During Fall 2002 the survey lectures will have thematic approach. The first series of lectures will be given by Oren (NSEES) and address the mechanisms associated with fluid flow in the plant xylem. Field data and measurements will be compared with models across very small and local scales. Bertozzi (Mathematics) will follow with three elementary lectures on modeling hydrodynamic systems. Elementary ideas from flow in porous media, atmospheric flow, self-similarity and scaling will be discussed. Katul (NSEES) will present the general problem of the interaction of ecosystems with the atmosphere, on the scale of forest canopies. Both field measurements and modeling ideas will be discussed. Albertson (CEE) will discuss current models for transport across different landscapes in conjunction with his field work in Africa.

Without prior notification, attendance at all CNCS seminars is required.

ENV 298 and BIOL 295s
Time: Wed 2:20-4:50pm
Location: Room 140 Bio Sci
Claire Williams, Professor, Texas A&M University

tel: 919-672-7050

Genomics, once the exclusive domain of health care and agricultural food supplies, is now expanding into ecology, environmental sciences, and evolutionary biology. The new field of ecological genomics research is continuing to grow because of increasing concern over the fate of the world's flora and fauna given the burgeoning human population and because of increasing capacity for high throughput automated data collection in genomics. These two factors are driving research breadth and depth for comparative studies. This graduate seminar course is taught by Claire Williams, visiting professor on sabbatical at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and the Center on Global Change.

Course goals: Develop collaborative ideas between environmental studies and genomics-based research. Share concepts, ideas, and primary literature.

Format: The first part is lecture format with discussion and readings. Second part is a series of student presentations on selected class projects.

Grading: Class attendance and participation 10%, homework and synopses from reading assignments 30%, concept development and class presentations 60%.

©2005 Center on Global Change
Box 90658, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0658
A150 Levine Science Research Center (LSRC), Research Drive
Tel: 919-681-7180 Fax: 919-681-7176

Last updated November 29, 2005