Undergraduate and MEM Students (Research Track)

Peer-reviewed publications in which undergraduate and professional Masters of Environmental Management (MEM) students contributed to or initiated are listed below:

Undergraduate Students

  1. Novick, K.A.CEE (2003)
    Novick , K.A., P. C. Stoy, G. G. Katul, D. S. Ellsworth, M. B. S. Siqueira, J. Juang, R. Oren, 2004, Carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange in a warm temperate grassland, Oecologia, 138: 259-274

Master of Environmental Management (MEM)

  1. Kuhn, G.: MEM-Water and Air Program (1996)
    Katul, G.G., G. Kuhn, J. Scheildge, C.I. Hsieh, "The ejection-sweep character of scalar fluxes in the unstable surface layer", Boundary Layer Meteorology, 83, 1-26, 1997
    Katul, G.G., C.I. Hsieh, G. Kuhn, D. Ellsworth, D. Nie, "The turbulent eddy motion at the forest-atmosphere interface", Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 13409-13421, 1997
  2. Chang, W. MEM-Water and Air Program (1997)
    Katul, G.G., and W.H. Chang, 1999, "Principal length scales in second-order closure models for canopy turbulence" , Journal of Applied Meteorology, 38, 1631-1643
  3. Suwa, M. MEM-Water and Air Program (2002)
    Suwa, M., G. G. Katul, R. Oren, J. Andrews, J. Pippen, A. Mace, and W. H. Schlesinger, 2004, "The Impact of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Forest Floor Respiration in a Temperate Pine Forest", submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
  4. Elting, R. MEM-Resource Ecology (2003)
    Elting, R., G. Katul, and C. J. Richardson, 2004, "A Nonlinear Reservoir Model for the Analytic Prediction of Flood Frequency and Nutrient Export in Urban Watersheds", submitted to Wetlands.