My research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of patterns of biological diversity across the planet. I am particularly interested in two broad questions: 1)How does the modification of the environment by organisms affect community structure and ecosystem function? and 2) what aspects of biodiversity matter most in the regulation of ecosystem function? While much of my research has focused on wetland plant communities, I am willing to study any organism and work in any ecosystem to answer the questions that interest me. I have worked in systems ranging from tropical streams to desert shrublands. My research program combines observational and experimental approaches with modeling to develop and test hypotheses and build towards synthetic ecological theory.
School Division
Environmental Sciences & PolicyEducation
- Ph.D., Cornell University (2002)
- B.A., Williams College (1996)
Recent Grants
- DISES RCN: SWISLR - Saltwater Intrusion and Sea Level Rise in rural landscapes: Assessing Risk and Identifying Mitigation and Adaptation Options for Rural Coastal Plain Communities. awarded by National Science Foundation
- DISES RCN: SWISLR - Saltwater Intrusion and Sea Level Rise in rural landscapes: Assessing Risk and Identifying Mitigation and Adaptation Options for Rural Coastal Plain Communities. awarded by National Science Foundation
- Modeling the Effects of Saltwater Intrusion on the Forested Wetlands of North Carolinas Coastal Plain awarded by North Carolina State University
- Modeling the Effects of Saltwater Intrusion on the Forested Wetlands of North Carolinas Coastal Plain awarded by North Carolina State University
- Community Coalescence: Disentangling Assembly Processes using Aquatic Microbial Communities awarded by National Science Foundation
Recent Publications
- Biogeochemistry. 157, no. 2 ( ): 215 - 226
- Anthropocene 45, ( ):
- Elementa 11, no. 1 ( ):
- PloS one 18, no. 12 ( ): e0296128
- Scientific data 9, no. 1 ( ): 755