Taylor Slough is a 247 square kilometer wetland system that extends more than 32 kilometers (20 miles) from headwaters that begin in the central portion of the East Everglades to the coastal mangrove fringe along Florida Bay. Taylor Slough crosses parts of the C-111 basin, but the major potion of this system lies within Everglades National Park (ENP). Headwaters of Taylor Slough provide the main inflow to eastern ENP. Taylor Slough headwaters include the extreme southern portion of the East Everglades, the area known as Frog Pond. Taylor Slough is the central component of the Florida Bay drainage basin. Under natural conditions, it is the major source of overland freshwater flow into Northeast Florida Bay. Surface relief in the Taylor Slough headwaters is low. The area is perched at an elevation of about 7 feet about MSL. Both Shark River Slough to the north and the rest of Taylor Slough are slightly lower in elevation. |
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