Duke University Wetland Center, Nicholas School of the Environment,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0333
Updated March 12, 2020


The Duke University Wetland Center can provide reprints of most published papers by core faculty members and DUWC reports. Contact Randy Neighbarger, Duke University Wetland Center, Box 90333, Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC 27708-0333.



Bachand, P.A.M., P. Vaithiyanathan, and C.J. Richardson. 2020. Phosphorous removal improvements and cost reductions leveraging cationic polymers and anionic polyacrylamides in chemically enhanced treatment wetland systems. Ecological Engineering 146:105722.



Bansal, S., S.C. Lishawa, S. Newman, B.A. Tangen, D. Wilcox, D. Albert, M.J. Anteau, M.J. Chimney, R.L. Cressey, E. DeKeyser, K.J. Elgersma, S.A. Finkelstein, J. Freeland, R. Grosshans, P.E. Klug, D.J. Larkin, B.A. Lawrence, G. Linz, J. Marburger, G. Noe, C. Otto, N. Reo, J. Richards, C.J. Richardson,  L. Rodgers, A.J. Schrank, D. Svedarsky, S. Travis, N. Tuchman, L. Windham-Myers. 2019. Typha (Cattail) invasion in North American Wetlands: Biology, regional problems, impacts, ecosystem services, and management. Wetlands online, open access.

Richardson, C.J., and R.S. Winton. 2019. Wetland ecology. In Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0220.

River, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2019. Dissolved reactive phosphorus loads to western Lake Erie: The hidden influence of nanoparticles. Journal of Environmental Quality 48:645-652. doi:10.2134/jeq2018.05.0178

Silvestri, S., R. Knight, A. Viezzoli, C.J. Richardson, G.Z. Anshari, N. Dewar, N. Flanagan, and X. Comas. 2019 prepub. Quantification of peat thickness and stored carbon at the landscape scale in tropical peatlands: A comparison of airborne geophysics and an empirical topographic method. JGR Earth Surface online, open access.

River, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2019. Suspended sediment mineralogy and the nature of suspended sediment particles in stormflow of the southern Piedmont of the U.S. Water Resources Research 55. doi:10.1029/2018WR024613

Wang, H., M. River, and C.J. Richardson. 2019. Does an ‘iron gate’ carbon preservation mechanism exist in organic-rich wetlands? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135:48-50. DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.04.011  



Dvorakova Brezinova, T., and J. Vymazal. 2018. Phenolic compounds in wetland macrophytes. Scientia Agricuturae Bohemica 49 (1):1-8. DOI

Espinasse, B.P., N.K. Geitner, A. Schierz, M. Therezien, C.J. Richardson, G.V. Lowry, P.L. Ferguson, and M.R. Weisner. 2018. Comparative persistence of engineered nanoparticles in a complex aquatic system. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI:10.1021.acs.est.7b06142.

Fargione, J.E., S. Bassett, T. Boucher, S.D. Bridgham, R.T. Conant, S.C. Cook-Patton, P.W. Ellis, A. Falcucci, J.W. Fourquerean, T. Gopalakrishna, H. Gu, B. Henderson, M.D. Hurteau, K.D. Kroeger, T. Kroeger, T.J. Lark, S.M. Leavitt, G. Lomax, R.I. McDonald, J.P. Megonigal, D.A. Miteva, C.J. Richardson, J. Sanderman, D. Shoch, S.A. Spawn, J.W. Veldman, C.A. Williams, P.B. Woodbury, C. Zganjar, M. Baranski. P. Elias, R.A. Houghton, E. Landis, E. McGlynn, W.H. Schlesinger, J.V. Siikamaki, A.E. Sutton-Grier, and B.W. Griscom. 2018. Natural climate solutions for the United States. Science Advances 4(11): eaat1869. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat1869

Hodgkins, S.B., C.J. Richardson, R. Dommain, H. Wang, P.H. Glaser, B. Verbeke, B.R. Winkler, A.R. Cobb, V.I. Rich, M. Missilmani, N.E. Flanagan, M. Ho, A.M. Hoyt, C.F. Harvey, S.R. Vining, M.A. Hough, T.R. Moore, P.J.H. Richard, F.B. De La Cruz, J. Toufaily, R. Hamdan, W.T. Cooper, and J.P. Chanton. 2018. Tropical peatland carbon storage linked to global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance. Nature Communications 9:3640.  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06050-2 .  open access

Kolka, R., C. Trettin, W. Tang, K. Krauss, S. Bansal, J. Drexler, K. Wickland, R. Chimner, D. Hogan, E. J. Pindilli, B. Benscoter, B. Tangen, E. Kane, S. Bridgham, and C. Richardson, 2018: Chapter 13: Terrestrial wetlands. In Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report [Cavallaro, N., G. Shrestha, R. Birdsey, M. A. Mayes, R. G. Najjar, S. C. Reed, P. Romero-Lankao, and Z. Zhu (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 507-567, SOCCR2.2018.Ch13    Chapter 13 (PDF)    Full Report (PDF)    SOCCR2 webpage

Richardson, C.J.  2018. The Everglades (USA). Chapter 56 (pp. 705-723) in: Finlayson, C.M., Milton, R., Prentice, C., Davidson, N.C. (eds.). The Wetland Book: II. Distribution, Description and Conservation. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6173-5_70-1

Richardson, C.J.  2018. Mesopotamian Marshes of Iraq. Chapter 140 (pp. 1685-1695) in: Finlayson, C.M., Milton, R., Prentice, C., Davidson, N.C. (eds.). The Wetland Book: II. Distribution, Description and Conservation. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6173-5_70-1

Richardson, C.J.  2018. Pocosins (USA). Chapter 52 (pp. 667-677) in: Finlayson, C.M., Milton, R., Prentice, C., Davidson, N.C. (eds.). The Wetland Book: II. Distribution, Description and Conservation. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6173-5_70-1

River, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2018. Particle size distribution predicts particulate phosphorus removal.  Ambio 47 (Suppl. 1):S124-S133. DOI 10.1007/213280-017-0981-z. open access.

River, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2018. Stream transport of iron and phosphorus by authigenic nanoparticles in the Southern Piedmont of the U.S. Water Research 130 (2018) 312-321.

Simonin, M., B.P. Colman, S.M. Anderson, R.S. King, M.T. Ruis, A. Avellan, C.M. Bergemann, B.G. Perrotta, N.K. Geitner, M. Ho, B. De La Barrera, J.M. Unrine, G.V. Lowry, C.J. Richardson, M.R. Wiesner, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2018.  Engineered nanoparticles interact with nutrients to intensify eutrophication in a wetland ecosystem experiment. Ecological Applications. 28(6):1435-1449.

Yuan, L., C.J. Richardson, M. Ho, C.W. Willis, B.P. Colman, and M.R. Wiesner. 2018. Stress response of aquatic plants to silver nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (5): 2558-2565. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b05837.



Liu, J., R.-M. Han, H.-R. Su, Y.-P. Wu, L.-M. Zhang, C.J. Richardson, and G.-X. Wang. 2017. Effects of exotic Spartina alternifloria on vertical soil organic carbon distribution and storage amount in coastal salt marshes in Jiangsu, China. Ecological Engineering 106:132-139.

Olson, L.H., J.C. Misenheimer, C.M. Nelson, K.D. Bradham, and C.J. Richardson. 2017. Influences of coal ash leachates and emergent macrophytes on water quality in wetland microcosms. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution228:344. DOI 10.1007/s11270-017-3520-4

Richardson, C.J. 2017. Ecological and hydrological constraints on large-scale wetland restorations in the Iraq Mesopotamian Al-Ahwar (marshes) and the Florida Everglades: A comparison. pp. 72-95 in: Proceedings. U.S.-Iran Symposium on Wetlands, March 28-30, 2016, Irvine, CA.  University of Arizona College of Engineering: Tucson. Proceedings available at . 

Winton, R.S., N. Flanagan, and C.J. Richardson. 2017. Neotropical peatland methane emissions along a vegetation and biogeochemical gradient. PLoS One 12(10):e0187019.

Winton, R.S.., and C.J. Richardson. 2017. Top-down control of methane emission and nitrogen cycling by waterfowl. Ecology 98 (1):265-277. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1640



Richardson, C.J., G.L. Bruland, M.F. Hanchey, and A.E. Sutton-Greer. 2016. Soil restoration: The foundation of successful wetland reestablishment. Chapter 19, pp. 460-506 in: Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification. 2nd Ed.  Edited by M.J. Vepraskas and C.B. Craft. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. 

Wang, H., C.J. Richardson, M. Ho, and N. Flanagan. 2016. Drained coastal peatlands: A potential nitrogen source to marine ecosystems under prolonged drought and heavy storm events-A microcosm experiment. Science of the Total Environment 566-567:621-626. DOI information: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.211

Winton, S.R., M. Moorman, and C.J. Richardson. 2016. Waterfowl impoundments as sources of nitrogen pollution. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227:390. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3082-x



Deonarine, A., H. Hsu-Kim, T. Zhang, Y. Cair, and C.J. Richardson. 2015. Legacy source of mercury in an urban stream-wetland ecosystem in central North Carolina, USA. Chemosphere  DOI10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.12.038

Dudley, M.P., M. Ho, and C.J. Richardson. 2015. Riparian habitat dissimilarities in restored and reference streams are associated with differences in turtle communities in the Southeastern Piedmont. Wetlands 35:147-157. DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0603-5

Flanagan, N.E., C.J. Richardson, and M. Ho. 2015 Connecting differential responses of native and invasive riparian plants to climate change and environmental alteration. Ecological Applications 25 (3):753-767. DOI 10.1890/14-0767.1

Lamers, L.P.M., M.A. Vile, A.P. Grootjans, M.C. Acreman, R. van Diggelen, M.G. Evans, C.J. Richardson, L. Rochefort, A.M. Kooijman, J.G.M. Roelofs, and A.P.J. Smolders. 2015. Ecological restoration of rich fens in Europe and North America: from trial and error to an evidence-based approach. Biological Reviews 90:188-203. doi: 10.1111/brv.12102.

Wang, H., C.J. Richardson, and M. Ho. 2015. Dual controls on carbon loss during drought in peatlands. Nature Climate Change 5:584-587. doi:10.1038/nclimate2643

Winton, R.S., and C.J. Richardson. 2015. The effects of organic matter amendments on greenhouse gas emissions from a mitigation wetland in Virginia’s Coastal Plain. Wetlands 35:969-979. DOI 10.1007/s13157-015-0674-y

Winton, R.S., and C.J. Richardson. 2015. A cost-effective method for reducing soil disturbance-induced errors in static chamber measurement of wetland methane emissions. Wetlands Ecology and Management DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9468-5



Bridgham, S.D., T.R. Moore, C.J. Richardson, and N.T. Roulet. 2014. Errors in greenhouse forcing and soil carbon sequestration estimates in freshwater wetlands: a comment on Mitsch et al. (2013). Landscape Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0067-2. 

Colman, B.P., B. Espinasse, C.J. Richardson, C.W. Matson, G.V. Lowry, D.E. Hunt, M.R. Wiesner, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2014. Emerging contaminant or an old toxin in disguise? Silver nanoparticle impacts on ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology 48 (9): 5229–5236. DOI 10.1021/es40545

Flanagan, N.E., C.J. Richardson, M. Ho. 2014. Connecting differential responses of native and invasive riparian plants to climate change and environmental alteration. Ecological Applications. 



Colman, B.P., C.L. Arnaout, C.K. Gunsch, M.F. Hochella, B. Kim, G.V. Lowry, B.M. McGill, B.C. Reinsch, C.J. Richardson, J.M. Unrine, J.P. Wright, L. Yin, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2013. Low concentrations of silver nanoparticles in biosolids cause adverse ecosystem responses under realistic field scenario. PLoS One 8 (2)

DeLaune, R.D., K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, eds. 2013. Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 10. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America.

Hartman, W.H., and C.J. Richardson. 2013. Differential Nutrient Limitation of Soil Microbial Biomass and Metabolic Quotients (qCO2): Is There a Biological Stoichiometry of Soil Microbes? PLoS ONE 8(3): e57127. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057127.

Ho, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2013. A five year study of floristic succession in a restored urban wetland. Ecological Engineering 61(Part B):511-518.

Kim, B., C.J. Richardson, M. Murayama, and M.F. Hochella, Jr. 2013. Nanoscale Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques Applicable to Wetland Research and Monitoring. Chapter 44 in Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, eds. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 10. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. Pp. 857-878.

Nifong, J. and B.R. Silliman. 2013. Impacts of a large-bodied, apex predator on salt marsh food webs. Journal of Experimental Mqrine Biology and Ecology 440:185-191.

Reddy, K.R., T. Chua, and C.J. Richardson. 2013. Organic Phosphorus Mineralization in Wetland Soils. Chapter 35 in Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, eds. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 10. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. Pp. 683-700.

Richardson, C.J., and R.S. King. 2013. A Primer on Sampling Plant Communities in Wetlands. Chapter 12 in Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, eds. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 10. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. Pp. 197-224.

Richardson, C.J., and K.R. Reddy. 2013. Methods for Soil Phosphorus Characterization and analysis of wetland Soils. Chapter 32 in Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, eds. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 10. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. Pp. 603-638.



Fridley, J.D., and J.P. Wright. 2012. Climatic versus edaphic drivers of secondary succession rates across temperate latitudes of the Eastern U.S. Oecologia 168: 1069-1077.

Heffernan, J. B., and S. G. Fisher. 2012. Plant-microbe interactions and nitrogen dynamics during wetland establishment in a desert stream. Biogeochemistry 107:379-391. DOI10.1007/s10533-010-9559-6..

Lowry, G.V., B.P. Espinasse, A.R. Badireddy, C.J. Richardson, B.C. Reinsch, L.D. Bryant, A.J. Bone, A. Deonarine, S. Chae, M. Therezien, B.P. Colman, H. Hsu-Kim, E.S. Bernhardt, C.W. Matson, and M.R. Wiesner. 2012. Long-term transformation and fate of manufactured Ag nanoparticles in a simulated large scale freshwater emergent wetland. Environmental Science & Technology 46:7027-7036.

Morse, J., M. Ardon, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2012. Greenhouse gas fluxes in southeastern U.S. coastal plain wetlands under contrasting land uses. Ecological Applications 22 (1):264-280.

Richardson, C.J. 2012. Pocosins: Evergreen Shrub Bogs of the Southeast. Chapter 14 (pp. 189-202) in: Batzer, D.P., and A.H. Baldwin (eds.), Wetland Habitats of North America: Ecology and Conservation Concerns .  University of California Press, Berkeley.

Salzman, J.E. 2012.  Drinking Water: A History. New York: Overlook Press.

Sutton-Grier, A.E., J.P. Wright, and C.J. Richardson. 2012. Different plant traits affect two pathways of riparian nitrogen removal in a restored freshwater wetland. Plant and Soil 365:41-57. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-1113-3 .

Troccoli, A., F. Zambon, K.I. Hodges, M. Marani. 2012. Storm surge frequency reduction in Venice under climate change.  Climatic Change 113:1089-1095.

Vymazal, J., And J. Svehla. 2012. Removal of alkali metals and their sequestration in plants in constructed wetlands treating municipal sewage. Hydrobiologia 692: 131-143.

Wang, H.J., J.Y. Xia, Y.J. Mu, L. Nie, X.G. Han and S.Q. Wan. 2012. BVOC's emission in a semi-arid grassland under climate warming and nitrogen deposition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12:3809-3819. doi:10.5194/acp-12-3809-2012.


Cheng, Y., L. Yin, s. Lin, M. Wiesner, E.S. Bernhardt, and J. Liu. 2011. Toxicity reduction of polymer-stabilized silver nanoparticles by sunlight. Journal of Physical Chemistry 115:4425-4432.

Cohen, M.J., D.L. Watts, J.B. Heffernan, and T. Osborne. 2011. Reciprocal biotic control of hydrology, nutrient gradients and landform in the Greater Everglades. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41: 395-429. doi:10.1080/10643389.201.

D'Alpaos, A., C. DaLio, and M. Marani. 2011. Biogemorphology of tidal landforms: physical and biological processes shaping the tidal landscape. Ecohydrology DOI:10.1002/eco279.

Doyle, M.W., and E.S. Bernhardt. 2011. What is a stream? Environmental Science & Technology 45:354-359.

Marani, M., A. D'Alpaos, S. Lanzone, and M. Santalucia. 2011 Understanding and predicting wave erosion of marsh edges. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L21401, doi:10.1029/2011GL48995.

Osland, M.J., E. Gonzalez, C.J. Richardson. 2011. Coastal Freshwater Wetland Plant Community Response to Seasonal Drought and Flooding in Northwestern Costa Rica. Wetlands 31:641-652.

Osland, M.J., E. Gonza, and C.J. Richardson. 2011. Restoring diversity after cattail expansion: Disturbance, resilience, and seasonality in a tropical dry wetland. Ecological Applications 21 (3):715-728.

Sutton-Grier, A.E., J.P. Wright, B.M. McGill, and C.J. Richardson. 2011. Environmental conditions influence the plant functional diversity effect on potential denitrification. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16584. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016584.

Richardson, C.J., N. Flanagan, M.Ho, and J.Pahl. 2011. Integrated stream and wetland restoration: A watershed approach to improved water quality on the landscape. Ecological Engineering 37:25-39.

Richter, D., S.S. Andrews, A.R. Bacon, S. Billings, C.A. Cambardella, N. Cavallaro, J. DeMeester6, A. J. Franzluebbers, A. Grandy, S. Grunwald, J. Gruver, A.S. Hartshorn, H. Janzen, M.G. Kramer, J.K. Ladha, K. Lajtha, G.C. Liles, D. Markewitz, P.J. Megonigal, A.R. Mermut, M.A. Mobley, C. Rasmussen, C. J. Richardson1, D.A. Robinson, P.Smith, C. Stiles, R.L. Tate, A. Thompson, A.J. Tugel, H. van Es, L. West, S. Wills, D. Yaalon, and T.M. Zobeck. 2011. Human-Soil Relations are Changing Rapidly: Proposals from SSSA's Cross-Divisional Soil Change Working Group. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:2079-2084.

Unghire, J.M., A.E. Sutton-Grier, N.E. Glanagan, and C.J. Richardson. 2011. Spatial impacts and wetland restoration on riparian soil properties in the North Carolina Piedmont. Restoration Ecology 19:738-746.

Vymazal, J., 2011. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Five decades of experience. Environmental Science and Technology 45 (1): 61-69.

Vymazal, J., 2011. Long-term performance of constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow: Ten case studies from the Czech Republic. Ecological Engineering 37: 54- 63.

Vymazal, J., 2011. Plants used in constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow: a review. Hydrobiologia 674:133-156.

Vymazal, J. and L. Kropfelova. 2011. A three-stage experimental constructed wetland for treatment of domestic sewage:  First 2 years of operation. Ecological Engineering 37: 90-98.

Vymazal, J., L. Kropfelova, J. Svehla, and J. Nemcova. 2011. Heavy metals in Phalaris arundinacea growing in a constructed wetland treating municipal sewage. Internat. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 91 (7-8): 753-767.

Wang, S., E. Bernhardt, J.P.Wright, and M. Wallenstein. 2011.  Watershed urbanization alters the composition and function of stream bacterial communities. PLOSOne 6:e22972.

Warren, R.J., J.P Wright, and M.A. Bradford. 2011. The putative niche requirements and landscape dynamics of Microstegium vimineum: an invasive Asian grass. Biological Invasions.13:471-483.

Yin, L., B.P. Colman, B. Expinasse, J. Liu, Y. Cheng, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2011. More than the ions: the effects of silver nanoparticles on Lolium multiflorum. Environmental Science & Technology 45:2360-2367.


Ardon, J.L., L. Morese, S. Montenari, M.W. Doyle, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2010. Phosphorus export from a restored wetland ecosystem in response to natural and experimental hydrologic fluctuations. IGR Biogeosciences 15:G04031.

Ardon, J.L., J.L. Morse, M.W. Doyle, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2010. The water quality consequences of restoring wetland hydrology to a large agricultural watershed in the southeastern coastal plain. Ecosystems 13:1060-1078.

Bernhardtt, E.S., B.P. Colman, M.F. Hochella, Jr., B.J. Cardinale, R.M. Nisbet, C.J. Richardson, and L. Yin. 2010. An ecological perspective on nanomaterial impacts in the environment. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1954-1965.

Flanagan, N., and C.J. Richardson. 2010. A multi-scale approach to prioritize wetland restoration for watershed-level water quality improvement. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:695-706

Palmer, M.A., H.L. Menninger, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2010. River restoration, habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity: A failure of theory or practice? Freshwater Biology 55:205-222.

Richardson, C.J. 2010. The Everglades: North America's subtropical wetland. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:517-542. doi: 10.1007/s11273-009-9156-4.

Richardson, C.J. 2010. The status of Mesopotamian marsh restoration in Iraq: A case study of transboundary water issues and internal water allocation problems. pp. 59-72 in: Korhonen-Kurki, K., and M. Fox (eds.). Towards New Solutions in Managing Environmental Crisis: Proceedings of the USA-Iran-Finland Environmental Workshop, 14-15.9.2009, Haikko, Finland. Helsinki, University, Helsinki.

Sutton-Grier, A.E., M.A. Kenney, and C.J. Richardson. 2010. Examining the relationship between ecosystem structure and function using structural equation modeling: A case study examining denitrification potential in restored wetland soils. Ecological Modelling 221:761-768.

Vymazal, J. (ed.), 2010. Water and Nutrient Management in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Vymazal, J., J. Svehla, L. Kropfelova, J. Nemcova, and V. Suchy. 2010. Heavy metals in sediments from constructed wetlands treating municipal wastewater. Biogeochemistry 101: 335-356.

Vymazal, J., L. Kropfelova, J. Svehla, and J. Stichova. 2010. Can multiple harvest of aboveground biomass enhance removal of trace elements in constructed wetlands receiving municipal sewage? Ecological Engineering 36: 939-945.


Bruland, G.L., C.J. Richardson, and W.L. Daniels. 2009. Microbial and geochemical responses to organic matter amendments in a created wetland. Wetlands 29 (4):1153-1165.

Osland, M.J., J.W. Pahl, and C.J. Richardson. 2009. Native bamboo [Arundinaria gigantean (Walter) Muhl., Poaceae] establishment and growth after the removal of an invasive non-native shrub (Ligustrum sinense Lour., Oleaceae): Implications for restoration. Castanea 74 (3):247-258.

Qian, S.S. 2009. Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R. Boca Raton. CRC Press.

Qualls, R.G., L.J. Sherwood, and C.J. Richardson. 2009. Effect of natural dissolved organic carbon on phosphate removal by ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate treatment of wetland waters. Water Resources Research Vol. 45, W09414, 10 PP., doi:10.1029/2008WR007287.

Richardson, C.J. 2009. Wetlands of mass destruction. Environmental Forum 26(4):36-41.

Richardson, C.J., and P. Vaithiyanathan. 2009. Biogeochemical Dynamics II. Cycling and storage of phosphorus in wetlands.  Chapter 10 (pp. 228-249) in: Maltby, E. and T. Barker (eds.), The Wetlands Handbook.  Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester.

Sundareshwar, P.V., C J. Richardson, R.A Gleason, P.J. Pellechia, and S. Honomichl. 2009. Nature versus nurture: Functional assessment of restoration effects on wetland services using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Geophysical Research Letters 36, L03402, doi:10.1029/2008GL036385.

Sutton-Grier, A.E., M. Ho, and C.J. Richardson. 2009. Organic amendments improve soil conditions and denitrification in a restored riparian wetland. Wetlands 29 (1):343-352.

Vymazal, J., 2009. Horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands Ondrejov and Spalene Porici in the Czech Republic - 15 years of operation. Desalination 246: 226-237.

Vymazal, J., 2009. The use constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow for various types of wastewater. Ecological Engineering 35: 1-17.

Vymazal, J. and L. Kropfelova. 2009. Removal of nitrogen in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow: A review. Wetlands 29: 1114-1124.

Vymazal, J. and L. Kropfelova. 2009. Removal of organics in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow: A review of the field experience. Science of the Total Environment 407: 3911-3922.

Vymazal, J., L. Kropfelova, J. Svehla, V. Chrastny, and J. Stichova. 2009. Trace elements in Phragmites australis growing in constructed wetlands for treatment of municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering 35: 303-309.


Flanagan, N.E., C.J. Richardson, M. Ho, J.W. Pahl, B.T. Roberts, and L. Medley. 2008. Quantification of Water Quality Improvement in Sandy Creek, a Tributary Watershed of Jordan Lake in the Cape Fear River Basin, after Stream and Riparian Restoration and Wetland Treatment Cell Creation: Final Report to the Nonpoint Source Management Program, Division of Water Quality, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  Final Report EW05040.  [available as PDF]

Hartman, W.H., C.J. Richardson, R. Vilgalys, and G.L. Bruland. 2008. Environmental and anthropogenic controls over bacterial communities in wetland soils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (46):17842-17847.

Richardson, C.J. 2008. The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration. New York . Springer. (Preview at Springer website).

Richardson, C.J. 2008. Wetlands of mass destruction: Can the "Garden of Eden" be fully restored? National Wetlands Newsletter 30 (3):1, 3-7, 33.

Richardson, C.J., S.S. Qian, P. Vaitiyanathan, R.S. King, R.G. Qualls, and C.A. Stow. 2008. Response to comment on "Estimating ecological thresholds for phosphorus in the Everglades ." Environmental Science & Technology 42 (17):6772-6773.

Vymazal, J. (ed.), 2008. Wastewater Treatment, Plant Dynamics and Management in Constructed and Natural Wetlands. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Vymazal, J., 2008. Constructed wetlands, subsurface flow. Pp. 749-764 in: Encyclopedia of Ecology, Vol. 1., Jorgensen, S.E. (Ed.), Elsevier: Amsterdam.

Vymazal, J., 2008. Constructed wetlands, surface flow.  Pp. 765-777 in: Encyclopedia of Ecology, Vol. 1., Jorgensen, S.E. (Ed.), Elsevier: Amsterdam.

Vymazal, J. and L. Kropfelova. 2008. Wastewater Treatment in Constructed Wetlands with Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow. Springer: The Netherlands.


King, R.S., and C.J. Richardson. 2007.  Study-stress response of macroinvertebrate community biomass to a phosphorus gradient in an oligotrophic wetland ecosystem. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26 (3):169-184.

Richardson, C.J. 2007. From New Orleans to Venice: The Value of Coastal Ecosystem to the City. Venice, Italy: Fondazione Scuola Studi Avnzati in Venezia.

Richardson, C.J., M. Ho, A. Sutton-Grier, and W. Willis. 2007. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Hidden Valley Ecological Garden Stream and Floodplain Restoration Project. Report of 2006 Project Activities to Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services and Water Quality Program. Duke University Wetland Center, Durham, NC. [Report available in PDF format]

Richardson, C.J., R.S. King, S.S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R.G. Qualls, and C.A. Stow. 2007. Estimating ecological thresholds for phosphorus in the Everglades . Environmental Science and Technology 41 (28):8084-8091.

Vymazal, J., 2007. Removal of nutrients in various types of constructed wetlands. Science of the Total Environment 380: 78-65.

Vymazal, J., J. Svehla, L. Kropfelova, and V. Chrastny. 2007. Trace metals in Phragmites australis and Phalaris arundinacea growing in constructed and natural wetlands. Science of the Total Environment 380: 154-162.


Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2006.  An assessment of the phosphorus retention capacity of wetlands in the Painter Creek Watershed, Minnesota USA. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 171:169-184.

Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2006.  Comparison of soil organic matter in created, restored and paired natural wetlands in North Carolina. Wetlands Ecology and Management 14:245-251.

Bruland, G.L., C.J. Richardson, and S.C. Whalen.  2006.  Spatial variability of denitrification potential and related soil properties in created, restored and paired natural wetlands.  Wetlands 26:1042-1056.

Pahl, J.W., M. Ho, J. Morse, A. Sutton-Grier, and C.J. Richardson. 2006.  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Hidden Valley Ecological Garden Stream and Floodplain Restoration Project: Report of 2005 Project Activities to Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services and Water Quality Program. Duke University Wetland Center, Durham, NC.  [Report and Appendices available in PDF format]

Richardson, C.J., and N.A. Hussain. 2006. Restoring the Garden of Eden: An ecological assessment of the marshes of IraqBioScience 56 (6):477-489.

Richardson, C.J., and J.W. Pahl. 2006. Katrina consequences assessment and projection report. Chapter 23 in FEMA Report on Impacts of Hurricane Katrina. February 2006. Washington, D.C. Executive Summary & Chapter 23


Benzing, P, and Richardson, C.J. 2005. CaCO3 Causes Underestimation of NaOH Extractable Phosphorus in Sequential Fractionations. Soil Science. 170 (10) 802-809.

Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., K.B. Smith, S.M. Brunzell, E.S. Kasischke, E.A. Romanowicz, and C.J. Richardson. 2005. Remote monitoring of regional inundation patterns and hydroperiod in the greater Everglades using synthetic aperture radar. Wetlands 25 (1):176-191. [Abstract]

Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2005. Hydrologic, edaphic, and vegetative responses to Microtopographic reestablishment in a restored wetland. Restoration Ecology 13 (3):1-9. [Abstract]

Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2005. Spatial variability of soil properties in created, restored, and paired natural wetlands. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69:273-284. [Abstract]

Jones, A.D., G.L. Bruland, S.G. Agrawal, and D. Vasudevan. 2005. Factors influencing the sorption of oxytetracycline to soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:761-770.

Pahl, J.W., A. Sutton-Grier, M. Ho, and C.J. Richardson. 2005.  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Hidden Valley Ecological Garden Stream and Floodplain Restoration Project: Report of 2004 Project Activities to Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services and Water Quality Program. Duke University Wetland Center, Durham, NC. [Full Text available as PDF]

Richardson, C.J. 2005. Highway construction and mitigation: On the road to increasing wetland function? National Wetlands Newsletter 27 (5):17-20.

Richardson, C.J., and Pahl, J.  2005.  The Duke Forest Stormwater Improvement and Wetlands Restoration Project:  Final Report to the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund and The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program.  Duke University Wetland Center, Durham, NC.  [Full text available as PDF]

Richardson, C.J., P. Reiss, N.A. Hussain, A.J. Alwash, and D.J. Pool. 2005. The restoration potential of the Mesopotamian marshes of IraqScience 307: 1307-1311.  [Abstract and Full Text Available].

Sutton-Grier, A.E., J.W. Pahl, M. Ho, and C.J. Richardson. 2005. Compost use in urban restored wetlands. Biocycle: Journal of Composting and Organics Recycling 46 (10): 40-41.

Vymazal, J. 2005. Horizontal sub-surface flow and hybrid constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering 25: 478-490.

Vymazal, J. (ed.) 2005.  Natural and Constructed Wetlands: Nutrients, Metals and Management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.  417 pp.

Vymazal, J. 2005. Removal of nitrogen via harvesting of emergent vegetation in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.  In : Vymazal, J. (ed.) 2005.  Natural and Constructed Wetlands: Nutrients, Metals and Management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.

Vymazal, J., and P. Krasa. 2005. Heavy metals budget for a constructed wetland treating municipal sewage.  In: Vymazal, J. (ed.) 2005.  Natural and Constructed Wetlands: Nutrients, Metals and Management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.

Vymazal, J., and L. Kropfelova. 2005. Growth of Phragmites australis and Phalaris arundinacea in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the Czech RepublicEcological Engineering 25: 606-621.


Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2004.  Hydrologic gradients and topsoil additions affect soil properties of Virginia created wetlands.  Soil Science Society of America Journal 68:2069-2077. [Abstract]

Bruland, G.L., and C.J. Richardson. 2004. A spatially explicit investigation of phosphorus sorption and related soil properties in two riparian wetlands. Journal of Environmental Quality 33:785-794. [Abstract]

Cooper, S.R., S.K. McGlothlin, M. Madritch, and D.L. Jones. 2004. Paleoecological evidence of human impacts on the Neuse and Pamlico estuaries of North Carolina, USAEstuaries 27:617-633. [Abstract]

King, R.S. C.J. Richardson, D.L. Urban, and E.A. Romanowicz. 2004. Spatial dependency of vegetation--Environment linkages in an anthropogenically influenced wetland ecosystem. Ecosystems 7:74-97. [Abstract]

Qian, S.S., Y. Pan, and R.S. King. 2004. Soil total phosphorus threshold in the Everglades: a Bayesian changepoint analysis for multinomial response data. Ecological Indicators 4:29-37. [Abstract]


Bridgham, S.D., and C.J. Richardson. 2003. Endogenous versus exogenous nutrient control over decomposition and mineralization in North Carolina peatlands.  Biogeochemistry 65:151-178. [Abstract]

Bruland, G.L., M.F. Hanchey, and C.J. Richardson. 2003.  Effects of agriculture and wetland restoration on hydrology, soils, and water quality of a Carolina bay complex.  Wetlands Ecology and Management 11:141-156.  [Abstract]

Kasischke, Eric S., K.B. Smith, L.L. Bourgeau-Chavez, E.A. Romanowicz, S. Brunzell, C.J. Richardson. 2003. Effects of seasonal hydrologic patterns in south Florida wetlands on radar backscatter measured from ERS-2SAR imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 88:423-441.

King, R.S., and C.J. Richardson. 2003. Integrating bioassessment and ecological risk assessment: An approach to developing numerical water quality criteria.  Environmental Management 31 (6):795-809. [Abstract Available]

Pahl, J.W., I.A. Mendelssohn, C.B. Henry, Jr., T.J. Hess. 2003. Recovery trajectories after in situ burning of an oiled wetland in coastal Louisiana, USAEnvironmental Management 31 (2):236-251. [Abstract Available]

Qian, S.S., R.S. King, and C.J. Richardson. 2003. Two statistical methods for the detection of environmental thresholds. Ecological Modelling 166:87-97. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G., and C.J. Richardson. 2003. Factors controlling concentration, export, and decomposition of dissolved organic nutrients in the Everglades of Florida. Biogeochemistry 62 (2):197-229. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. 2003.  Pocosins: Isolated or integrated wetlands on the landscape? Wetlands 23 (3):563-576. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J., Flanagan, N.A., and King, R.S. 2003. Final Report. Functional Assessment of the Effects of Highway Construction on Coastal North Carolina Wetlands: Comparison of Effects Before and After Construction - Phase II (Construction). Report No. FHWA/NC/2002-016.  CTE/NCDOT Joint Environmental Research Program, Raleigh, NC.

Richardson, C.J., R.S. King, S.S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, C.A. Stow, and R.G. Qualls.  2003.  A Scientific Basis for Determining Phosphorus Imbalance Effects in the Everglades.  Final Report to Environmental Regulation Commission, State of FloridaDuke Wetland Center publication 2003-3. Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC.

Sundareshwar, P.V., J.T. Morris, E.K. Koepfler, and B. Fornwalt. 2003. Phosphorus limitations of coastal ecosystem processes. Science 299 (5605):563-565. [Abstract and Full Text Available]

Vymazal, J., and C.J. Richardson. 2003. The relationship between soil, water nutrients, and biomass of Cladium jamaicense and Typha latifolia in the Northern Everglades.  In: Vymazal, J. (ed.) Wetlands: Nutrients, Metals, and Mass Cycling.  Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp107-127.


King, R.S., and C.J. Richardson. 2002. Evaluating subsampling approaches and macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution for wetland bioassessment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21 (1):150-171.  [Abstract]


Huvane, J.K. 2001. Modern diatom distributions in Florida Bay: A preliminary analysis. In: Porter, J.W., and K.G. Porter (eds.) The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook. CRC Press. 1,064 pp.

Qualls, R.G., C.J. Richardson, and L.J. Sherwood. 2001. Soil reduction-oxidation potential along a nutrient-enrichment gradient in the Everglades. Wetlands 21 (3):403-411. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J., and J.K. Huvane. 2001. Everglades Restoration: A Primer. Final Report to the EAA Environmental Protection District. March 2001. Duke Wetland Center Publication. Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC. [68] pp.  Available in PDF format.

Richardson, C.J., and K. Nunnery. 2001. Ecological functional assessment (EFA): A New approach to determining wetland health. Pp. 95-112 in: Vymazal, J. (ed.) Transformations of Nutrients in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 519 pp.

Richardson, C.J., and J. Vymazal. 2001. Sampling macrophytes in wetlands. Pp. 297-338 (Chapter 14) in: Rader, R., D.P. Butzer, and S.A. Wissinger (eds.) Bioassessment and Management of North American Freshwater Wetlands. John Wiley & Sons. 469 pp.

Seventh International Symposium of the Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Durham, NC, June 17-20, 2001:  Book of Abstracts.  Revised Edition. Duke University Wetland Center Publication, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences. 176 pp. [Available in PDF format]

Sundareshwar, P.V., J.T. Morris, P.J. Pellechia, W.J. Cohen, D.E. Porter, and B.C. Jones. 2001. Occurrence and ecological implications of pyrophosphate in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography 46 (6):1570-1577.

Vymazal, J. (ed.) 2001. Transformations of Nutrients in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Backhuys Publishers. 519 pp.






Bachand, P.A.M., and A.J. Horne. 2000. Denitrification in constructed free-water surface wetlands:  I. Very high nitrate removal rates in a macrocosm study. Ecological Engineering 14:9-15.

Bachand, P.A.M., and A.J. Horne. 2000. Denitrification in constructed free-water surface wetlands:  II. Effects of vegetation and temperature. Ecological Engineering 14:17-32. [

Chiang, C., C.B. Craft, D.W. Rogers, and C.J. Richardson. 2000. Effects of 4 years of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on Everglades plant communities. Aquatic Botany 68:61-78.

King, R.S., K.T. Nunnery, and C.J. Richardson. 2000. Macroinvertebrate assemblage response to highway crossings in forested wetlands: implications for biological assessment. Wetlands Ecology and Management 8:243-256.

Lemly, A.D., and R.S. King. 2000. An insect-bacteria bioindicator for assessing detrimental nutrient enrichment in wetlands. Wetlands 20:91-100.

Pan, Y., R.J. Stevenson, P. Vaithiyanathan, J. Slate, and C.J. Richardson. 2000. Changes in algal assemblages along observed and experimental phosphorus gradients in a subtropical wetland, U.S.A.. Freshwater Biology 43:1-15.

Qualls, R.G., and C.J. Richardson. 2000. Phosphorus enrichment affects litter decomposition, immobilization, and soil microbial phosphorus in wetland mesocosms. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:799-808. 

Richardson, C.J. 2000. Freshwater Wetlands. Pp. 448-499 (Chapter 12) in: Barbour, M.G. and W.D. Billings (Eds.) North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Cambridge University Press, New York. 708 pp.

Richardson, C.J., P. Vaithiyanathan, R.J. Stevenson, R.S. King, C.A. Stow, R.G. Qualls, S.S. Qian. 2000. The Ecological Basis for a Phosphorus (P) Threshold in the Everglades: Directions for Sustaining Ecosystem Structure and Function. Final report to The Everglades Agricultural Area Environmental Protection District. Duke Wetland Center publication 2002-02. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 165p. 





Cooper, S. R., J. Huvane, P. Vaithiyanathan and C. J. Richardson. 1999. Calibration of diatoms along a nutrient gradient in Florida Everglades Water Conservation Area-2A, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 22:413-437. [Abstract]

Jensen, J.E., S.R. Cooper, and C.J. Richardson.  1999.   Development of a calibration model of modern pollen along a nutrient gradient in Everglades Water Conservation Area 2A, USAWetlands 19:675-688. [Abstract]

King, R.S. and J.C. Brazner.  1999. Coastal wetland insect communities along a trophic gradient in Green Bay, Lake MichiganWetlands 19(2):426-437. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. 1999. Ecological functions of wetlands on the landscape.  Pp. 9-26. In: Lewis, M.A., et al. (eds.),  Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands.  SETAC Press, Pensacola. 376 pp.

Richardson, C.J. 1999. The role of wetlands in storage, release, and cycling of phosphorus on the landscape: a 25 year retrospective. Pp. 47-68. In Reddy, K.R. (Ed.) Phosphorus Biogeochemistry in Sub-Tropical Ecosystems, CRC Press/Lewis Publishers.

Richardson, C.J., G.M. Ferrell and P. Vaithiyanathan. 1999. Nutrient effects on stand structure, resorption efficiency, and secondary compounds in Everglades sawgrass. Ecology 80(7):2182-2192. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. and S. Qian. 1999. Comments: Limits of phosphorus removal in wetlands (Kadlec, previous issue, pp. 165-175). Wetlands Ecology and Management 7:235-238.

Richardson, C.J. and S. Qian. 1999. Long-term phosphorus assimilative capacity in freshwater wetlands: A new paradigm for maintaining ecosystem structure and function. Environmental Science and Technology 33(10):1545-1551. [Abstract]

Rodgers, J.H., Jr., G.W. Dickson, T. Dillon, P.B. Dorn, J.E. Farmer, R.A. Gearheart, J.F. Hall, B. McFarland, M.K. Nelson, P. Nix, C.J. Richardson, D.P. Tierney.  1999.  Workshop V synopsis:   Constructed wetlands as a risk mitigation alternative.  Pp. 315-342.  In: Lewis, M.A., et al. (eds.), Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment for Wetlands. SETAC Press, Pensacola.  376 pp.

Vaithiyanathan, P. and C.J. Richardson. 1999. Macrophyte species changes in the Everglades: Examination along a eutrophication gradient. Journal of Environmental Quality 28(4):1347-1358.





Bonetto, C., C. Villar, L. de Cabo, and P. Vaithiyanathan.  1998.  Hydrochemistry of a large floodplain river.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26:899-902.

Craft, C.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1998. Recent (137Cs) and long-term (210Pb, 14C) organic soil accretion and nutrient accumulation in the Everglades. Soil Science Society of America Journal 62:834-843. [Abstract]

King, R.S. and D.A. Wrubleski. 1998. Spatial and diel availability of flying insects as potential duckling food in prairie wetlands. Wetlands 18(1):100-114. [Abstract]

McCormick, P.V. and R.J. Stevenson. 1998. Periphyton as a tool for ecological assessment and management in the Florida Everglades. Journal of Phycology 34(5):726-733.

Qian, S.S. and K.H. Reckhow. 1998. Modeling phosphorus trapping in wetlands using nonparametric  Bayesian regression. Water Resources Research 34(7):1745-1754.

Richardson, C.J. and K. Nunnery.  1998.  Field investigations of wetland functional indicators after highway construction. Pp. 359-372.  In: McComb, A.J. and J.A. Davis (eds.).   Wetlands for the Future:  Contributions from INTECOL's 5th International Wetland Conference, 1998.  Gleneagles Publishing, Adelaide.. [Abstract]

Vaithiyanathan, P. and C.J. Richardson. 1998. Biogeochemical characteristics of the Everglades sloughs. Journal of Environmental Quality 27:1439-1450.  [Abstract]

Villar, C.A., L. de Cabo, P. Vaithiyanathan, and C. Bonetto. 1998. River-floodplain interactions: nutrient concentrations in the lower Parana River. Arch. Hydrobiol. 142(4):433-450.





Craft, C.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1997. Relationships between soil nutrients and plant species composition in Everglades peatlands. Journal of Environmental Quality 26:224-232. [Abstract]

King, R.S., C.J. Richardson, and K. Nunnery. 1997. A functional assessment of wetland ecosystem response to highways: Phase I macroinvertebrate community studies. Report to the Center for Transportation and the Environment, Raleigh, NC. Duke Wetland Center Publication 97-02. 

Lemly, D.A. and C.J. Richardson. 1997. Guidelines for risk assessment in wetlands. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 47:117-134. [Abstract]

Nunnery, K.T. November 1997. An assessment of highway impacts on ecological function in palustrine forested wetlands in the upper coastal plains of North Carolina. Report to the Center for Transportation and the Environment, Raleigh, NC. Duke Wetland Center publication 97-04. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 124 pp.

Qian, S.S. 1997. Estimating the area affected by phosphorus runoff in an Everglades wetland: A comparison of universal kriging and Bayesian kriging. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 4:1-29. [Abstract]

Qian, S.S. 1997. An illustration of model structure identification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  33(4):811-824. [Abstract]

Qian, S.S. and C.J. Richardson. 1997. Estimating the long-term phosphorus accretion rate in the Everglades: A Bayesian approach with risk assessment. Water Resources Research 33(7):1681-1688.

Richardson, C.J., S.R. Cooper, S.S. Qian, R.G. Qualls, E.A. Romanowicz, R.J. Stevenson, and P. Vaithiyanathan. 1997.  1996-1997 Biennial Report. December 1997. Effects of phosphorus and hydroperiod alterations on ecosystem structure and function in the Everglades. Duke Wetland Center publication 97-05. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke Univeristy, Durham, NC. 691p.

Richardson, C.J., N.E. Flanagan, R.King, and J. McCreary. December 1997. Functional assessment of the effects of highway construction on coastal North Carolina wetlands: comparison of effects before, during and after construction. Progress report to the Center for Transportation and the Environment, Raleigh, NC. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 47 p.

Richardson, C.J., S. Qian, R.G. Qualls and C.B. Craft. 1997. Predictive models for phosphorus retention in wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 4:159-175. [Abstract]

Vaithiyanathan, P. and C.J. Richardson. 1997. Nutrient profiles in the Everglades: Examination along the eutrophication gradient. Science of the Total Environment 205:81-95. [Abstract]



Bartow, S.M., C.B. Craft and C.J. Richardson. 1996. Reconstructing historical changes in Everglades plant community composition using pollen distributions in peat. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 12(3):313-322. 

Richardson, C.J. 1996. Wetlands, Chapter 13. pp. 13.0-13.44. In: Mays, L.W. (Ed.) Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Professional Book Group, New York, NY. USA

Vaithiyanathan, P., C.J. Richardson, R. Kavanaugh, C.B. Craft and T. Barkay. 1996. Relationships of eutrophication to the distribution of mercury and to the potential for methylmercury production in the peat soils of the Everglades. Environmental Science and Technology 30(8):2591-2597. [Abstract]





Bartlett, K.B., R.S. Clymo, C.B. Craft and C.J. Richardson. 1995. Non-coastal wetlands, Chapter 6, In: Oquist, M.G. and B. H. Svensson (eds.), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II Second Assessment Report, International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris, France. 

Bridgham, S.D., J. Pastor, C.A. McClaugherty, and C.J. Richardson. 1995. Nutrient-use efficiency: A litterfall index, a model, and a test along a nutrient-availability gradient in North Carolina peatlands. The American Naturalist 145(1):1-21. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B., J. Vymazal and C.J. Richardson. 1995. Response of Everglades plant communities to nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Wetlands 15:258-271. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G. and C.J. Richardson. 1995. Forms of soil phosphorus along a nutrient enrichment gradient in the northern Everglades. Soil Science 160(3):183-198.  [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. 1995. Wetlands Ecology. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology. Academic Press. 3:535-550. 

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.G. Qualls, J. Stevenson, P. Vaithiyanathan, M. Bush and J. Zahina. December, 1995. Annual Report. Effects of phosphorus and hydroperiod alterations on ecosystem structure and function in the Everglades. Duke Wetland Center publication 95-05. Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 372p. 

Richardson, C.J. and P. Vaithiyanathan. 1995. Phosphorus sorption characteristics of the Everglades soils along a eutrophication gradient. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:1782-1788. [Abstract]

Vymazal, J. 1995. Algae and Element Cycling in Wetlands. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI. ca. 720p. (Book). 

Vymazal, J. and C.J. Richardson. 1995. Species composition, biomass and nutrient content of periphyton in the Florida Everglades. Journal of Phycology 31:343-354. [Abstract]




Bartow, S.M. 1994. Historical changes in Everglades plant community structure and composition. Master's Project. Duke University Wetland Center, School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 26p. 

Chiang, C. 1994. The effects of nutrient additions on photosynthesis by cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) and sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) in the Everglades. Master's Project. Duke University Wetland Center, School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 23 p. 

Rader, R.B. 1994. Macroinvertebrates of the northern Everglades: Species composition and trophic structure. Florida Scientist 57:22-33.  [Abstract]

Rader, R.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1994. Response of macroinvertebrates and small fish to nutrient enrichment in the Northern Everglades. Wetlands 14(2):134-146.  [Abstract]

Reckhow, K.H. and S.S. Qian. Modeling phosphorus trapping in wetlands using generalized additive models.  Water Resources Research 30(11): 3105-3114.

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.G. Qualls, J. Stevenson and P. Vaithiyanathan. July 1994. Annual Report: Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida. Duke Wetland Center publication 94-08. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 368p. 

Richardson, C.J. 1994. Ecological functions and human values in wetlands: A framework for assessing impact. Wetlands 14:1-9. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. and E.J. McCarthy. 1994. Effect of land development and forest management on hydrologic response in southeastern coastal wetlands: A review. Wetlands 14:56-71.  [Abstract]

Vymazal, J., C.B. Craft and C.J. Richardson. 1994. Periphyton response to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in the Florida Everglades. Algological Studies 73:75-97. [Abstract]






Bridgham, S.D. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Hydrology and nutrient gradients in North Carolina peatlands. Wetlands 13(3):207-218. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Peat accretion and N, P and organic C accumulation in nutrient enriched and unenriched Everglades peatlands. Ecological Applications 3(3):446-458. 

Craft, C.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Peat accretion and phosphorus accumulation along a eutrophication gradient in the northern Everglades. Biogeochemistry 22:133-156. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Response of plant communities to nitrogen and phosphorus additions. p. 460. In: Landin, M.C., (ed.), Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual SWS Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1992. SWS South Central Chapter, Utica, Mississippi. 990 pp. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B., E.D. Seneca and S.W. Broome. 1993. Vertical accretion in regularly and irregularly flooded microtidal estuarine marshes. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 37:371-386. 

Jha, P.K., P. Vaithiyanathan and V. Subramanian. 1993. Mineralogical characteristics of the sediments of a Himalayan river (Yamuna River - A tributary of the Ganges). Environmental Geology 22:13-20. [Abstract]

Rader, R.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1993. The effects of agricultural run-off on small fish and macroinvertebrates in the Everglades. pp. 462-465. In: Landin, M.C., (ed.), Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual SWS Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1992. SWS South Central Chapter, Utica, Mississippi. 990 pp. [Abstract]

Ramanathan, A.L., P. Vaithiyanathan, V. Subramanian and B.K. Das. 1993. Geochemistry of the Cauvery estuary, east coast of India. Estuaries 16:459-474. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. and C.B. Craft. 1993. Effective Phosphorus Retention in Wetlands -- Fact or Fiction? pp. 271-282. In: Moshiri, G.A. (ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. (93-05) 

Richardson, C.J. and L.W. Gibbons. 1993. Pocosins, Carolina bays and mountain bogs. In: Martin, B. et al. (eds.), Biotic Communities of the Southeast. Wiley Press. 

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.R. Johnson, R.G. Qualls, R.B. Rader, L. Sutter and J. Vymazal. March 1993. Final Annual Report Appendices Volume II: Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida. Duke Wetland Center publication 92-12. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 202p. 

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.R. Johnson, R.G. Qualls, R.B. Rader, L. Sutter and J. Vymazal. Revised April 1993. Annual Report. Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida. Duke Wetland Center publication 92-11. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 439p. 

Sutter, L.A., J. Vymazal, C.B. Craft and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Effects of phosphorus loading and hydroperiod on sawgrass, Cladium jamaicense. p. 467. In: Landin, M.C., (ed.), Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual SWS Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1992. SWS South Central Chapter, Utica, Mississippi. 990 pp.  [Abstract]

Tchabangolous, G., R.G. Quals, et al. 1993. UV disinfection guidelines for water reclamation in California and UV disinfection research needs identification. National Water Research Institute. Fountain Valley, CA. 28 pp.

Vaithiyanathan, P., P.K. Jha and V. Subramanian. 1993. Phosphorus distribution in the sediments of the Hooghly (Ganges) estuary, India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 37:603-614. 

Vaithiyanathan, P., A. Ramanathan and V. Subramanian. 1993. Transport and distribution of heavy metals in Cauvery river. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 71:13-28. [Abstract]

Vymazal, J., C.B. Craft and C.J. Richardson. 1993. Response of the Everglades periphyton community to nitrogen and phosphorus additions. pp. 468-472. In: Landin, M.C., (ed.), Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual SWS Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1992. SWS South Central Chapter, Utica, Mississippi. 990 pp. [Abstract]





Bridgham, S.D. and C.J. Richardson. 1992. Mechanisms controlling soil respiration (CO2 and CH4) in southern peatlands. Soil Biol. Biochem. 24:(11)1089-1099. [Abstract]

Cashin, G.E., J.R. Dorney and C.J. Richardson. 1992. Wetland alteration trends on the North Carolina coastal plain. Wetlands 12(2):63-71. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G. and B.L. Haines. 1992. Biodegradability of dissolved organic matter in forest throughfall, soil-solution, and streamwater. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56:578-586. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G. and B.L. Haines. 1992. Measuring adsorption isotherms using continuous, unsaturated flow through intact soil cores. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56:456-460.  [Abstract]

Rader, R.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1992. The effects of nutrient enrichment on algae and macroinvertebrates in the Everglades: A review. Wetlands 12(2):121-135. (92-04) [Abstract]

Raikes, J.A. 1992. Effects of salinity and hydroperiod on the relative growth of sawgrass and cattail. Master's Project. Duke University Wetland Center, School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 40p. 

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.R. Johnson, R.G. Qualls, R.B. Rader, L. Sutter and J. Vymazal. October 1992. Annual Report: Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida Annual Report: Duke Wetland Center publication 92-11. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 441p. 

Richardson, C.J., T.W. Sasek and E.A. Fendick. 1992. Implications of physiological responses to chronic air pollution for forest decline in the southeastern U.S.A. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11(8):1105-1114.  

Richardson, C.J., T.W. Sasek, E.A. Fendick and L.W. Kress. 1992. Ozone exposure-response relationships for photosynthesis in genetic strains of loblolly pine seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management 51(1-3):163-178. 

Sasek, T.W. and C.J. Richardson. 1992. The dose-response approach for assessing the effects of near-ambient ozone concentrations on photosynthesis. pp. 259-272. In: Flagler, R.B. (ed.), The response of southern commercial forests to air pollution. Transactions of Air and Waste Management Association #21, Pittsburgh, PA. 

Sutter, L.A. 1992. Effects of phosphorus concentrations and water depth on sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) growth and nutrient uptake. Master's Project. Duke University Wetland Center, School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 23p. 

Vaithiyanathan, P. and D.L. Correll. 1992. The Rhode river watershed: Phosphorus distribution and export in forest and agricultural soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 21:280-288.

Vaithiyanathan, P., A.L. Ramanathan, and V. Subramanian. 1992. Sediment transport in Cauvery river basin-sediment characteristics and controlling factors. Journal of Hydrology 139:97-210. 



Bridgham, S.D. and C.J. Richardson. 1991. Freshwater peatlands (pocosins) on the southeastern Coastal Plain of the USA: community description, nutrient dynamics, and disturbance. pp. 1-15. In: Grubich, D.N. and T.J. Malterer, (eds.), Proceedings of the International Peat Symposium. 19-23 August 1991. Duluth, MN

Bridgham, S.D., S.P. Faulkner and C.J. Richardson. 1991. Steel rod oxidation as a hydrologic indicator in wetland soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55:856-862. [Abstract]

Bridgham, S.D., C.J. Richardson, E. Maltby, and S.P. Faulkner. 1991. Cellulose decay in natural and undisturbed peatlands in North Carolina. J. of Environmental Quality 20:695-701. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B., E.D. Seneca and S.W. Broome. 1991. Loss on ignition and Kjeldahl digestion for estimating organic carbon and total nitrogen in estuarine marsh soils: Calibration with dry combustion. Estuaries 14:175-179. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B., E.D. Seneca and S.W. Broome. 1991. Porewater chemistry of natural and created marsh soils. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 152:187-200.  [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G. and B.L. Haines. 1991. Geochemistry of dissolved organic nutrients in water percolating through a forest ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal 52:1112-1123. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G., B.L. Haines and W.T. Swank. 1991. Fluxes of dissolved organic nutrients and humic substances in a deciduous forest ecosystem. Ecology 72:254-266. 

Richardson, C.J. 1991. Pocosins: An ecological perspective. Wetlands 11:335-354. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.G. Qualls, R.B. Rader and R.R. Johnson. 1991. Annual Report Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida. Duke Wetland Center publication 91-08. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 318p. 

Richardson, C.J., C.B. Craft, R.R. Johnson, R.G. Qualls and R.B. Rader. 1991. Annual Report Appendices Effects of Nutrient Loadings and Hydroperiod Alterations on Control of Cattail Expansion, Community Structure and Nutrient Retention in the Water Conservation Areas of South Florida. Duke Wetland Center publication 91-09. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC. 92p. 

Walbridge, M.R., C.J. Richardson, and W.T. Swank. 1991. Vertical distribution of biological and geochemical
phosphorus subcycles in two southern Appalachian forest soils. Biogeochemistry 13:61-85.  [Abstract]

Walbridge, M.R. and C.J. Richardson. 1991. Water quality of pocosins and associated wetlands of the Carolina coastal plain. Wetlands 11:417-439. [Abstract]




Faulkner, M.S. and C.J. Richardson. 1990. Biogeochemistry of Iron and Manganese in Selected TVA Constructed Wetlands Receiving Mine Drainage (Phase Two Interim Report). Duke Wetland Center publication 90-03. School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC.  

Faulkner, M.S. and C.J. Richardson. 1990. Iron and manganese fractionalism in constructed wetlands receiving acid mine drainage. pp. 429-440. In: Cooper, P.F. and B.C. Findlater (eds.), Constructed Wetlands in Water Pollution Control. Pergamon Press. New York, NY. 605p. [Abstract]

Josselyn, M.N., S.P. Faulkner and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 1990. Relationships between seasonally wet soils and occurrence of wetland plants in California. Wetlands 10(1):7-26. [Abstract]

Qualls, R.G. and B.L. Haines. 1990. The influence of humic substances on the aerobic decomposition of submerged leaf litter. Hydrobiologia 206:133-138. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. 1990. Biogeochemical Cycles: Regional. In: Patten, B.C. et al. (eds.), Wetlands and Shallow Continental Water Bodies, Vol 1. pp. 259-299. SPB Academic Publishing. The Hague, The Netherlands

Richardson, C.J. and C.B. Craft. 1990. Phase One: A Preliminary Assessment of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation and Surface Water Quality in Water Conservation Areas 2A and 3A of South Florida: Annual Report. Duke Wetland Center publication 90-01. School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC. 149p. 





Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1989. Exchange of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon between transplanted marshes and estuarine waters. J. Environ. Qual 18:206-211. [Abstract]

Faulkner, S.P. and C.J. Richardson. 1989. Physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater wetland soils. pp. 41-72. In: Hamner, D.A. (ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment. Lewis Publishers. Chelsea, MI. 831p. 

Michaud, S.C. and C.J. Richardson. 1989. Relative radial oxygen loss in five wetland plants. pp. 501-507. In: Hamner, D.A. (ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment. Lewis Publishers. Chelsea, MI. 831p. 

Qualls, R.G., M.H. Dorfman and J.D. Johnson. 1989. Evaluation of the efficiency of ultraviolet disinfection systems. Water Research 23:317-325. [Abstract]

Richardson, C.J. 1989. Freshwater wetlands: Transformers, filters or sinks? pp. 25-46. In: Sharitz, R.R. and J.W. Gibbons (eds.), Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife. Conf-8603101. DOE Symposium Series NO. 61. U.S. DOE. Oak Ridge, TN.






Broome, S.W., C.B. Craft and E.D. Seneca. 1988. Creation and development of brackish-water marsh habitat. p. 197-205. In: Zelazny, J. and J.S. Feierabend (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Increasing our Wetlands Resources. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.  

Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1988. Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon pools in natural and transplanted marsh soils. Estuaries 11:272-280. [Abstract]

Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1988. Soil nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon in transplanted estuarine marshes. p. 351-355. In: Hook, D.D. et al. (eds.), The Ecology and Management of Wetlands. Croom Helm Ltd. Publishers, Kent, UK

Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1988. The role of transplanted marshes in processing nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon in estuarine waters. p. 327-332. In: Zelazny, J. and J.S. Feierabend (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Increasing our Wetlands Resources. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. 

Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome, E.D. Seneca and W.J. Showers. 1988. Estimating sources of soil organic matter in natural and transplanted marshes using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 26:633-641. 

Hendry, K.M. and C.J. Richardson. 1988. Soil biodegradation of carbofuran and furathiocarb following soil pretreatment with these pesticides. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 7:763-774. 

Richardson, C.J., M.R. Walbridge and A. Burns. 1988. Soil chemistry and phosphorus retention capacity of North Carolina coastal plain swamps receiving sewage effluent. NC Water Resources Research Institute. Raleigh, NC. Report Number 212. [Abstract]

Whigham, D.F. and C.J. Richardson. 1988. Soil and plant chemistry of an Atlantic White Cedar wetland on the inner coastal plain of Maryland. Can. J. Botany 66:568-576. [Abstract]





Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1987. Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon in pore waters of natural and transplanted estuarine marshes. p. 18-27. In J.S. Barnes (ed.) Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C.  

Richardson, C.J. and J.A. Davis. 1987. Natural and artificial wetland ecosystems: Ecological opportunities and limitations. pp. 819-854. In: Reddy, K.R. and W.H. Smith (eds.), Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Resource Recovery. Magnolia Publishing Inc. Orlando, FL. 

Stockton, M.B. and C.J. Richardson. 1987. Wetland development trends in coastal North Carolina, USA, from 1970 to 1984. Environmental Management 11(4):1-9. 





Craft, C.B., S.W. Broome and E.D. Seneca. 1986. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in man-initiated marsh soils. p. 117-131. In: Amoozegar, A. (ed.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C.  

Fuller, R.D and C.J. Richardson. 1986. Aluminate toxicity as a factor controlling plant growth in bauxite residue. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 5:905-915. 

Richardson, C.J. and P.E. Marshall. 1986. Processes controlling the movement, storage, and export of phosphorus in a fen peatland. Ecol. Monogr. 56:279-302. 

Richardson, C.J. and B.R. Schwegler. 1986. Algal bioassay and gross productivity experiments using sewage effluent in a Michigan wetland. Water Research Bulletin 22:111-120. 







Chang, J.C., S.F. Ossoff, M.H. Dorfman, C.H. Dumais, D. Lobe, R.G. Qualls and J.D. Johnson. 1985. UV inactivation of pathogenic and indicator microorganisms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 49:1361-1365. 

Qualls, R.G. and J.D. Johnson. 1985. A kinetic model of the chlorination of natural waters: the roles of organic nitrogen and humic substances. pp. 723-736. In: Jolley, R.L. et al. (eds.), Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI

Qualls, R.G. and J.D. Johnson. 1985. Modeling and efficiency of ultraviolet disinfection systems. Water Research 19:1039-1049. 

Qualls, R.G., S.F. Ossoff, J.C. Chang, M.H. Dorfman, C.H. Dumais, D. Lobe and J.D. Johnson. 1985. Factors controlling the sensitivity of coliforms to UV disinfection in secondary effluents. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation 57:1006-1011. 

Richardson, C.J. 1985. Mechanisms controlling phosphorus retention capacity in freshwater wetlands. Science 228:1424-1427. 

Richardson, C.J. and D.S. Nichols. 1985. Ecological analysis of wastewater management criteria in wetland ecosystems. pp. 351-391. In: Godfrey, P.J., E.R. Kaynor, S. Pelczarski and J. Benforado (eds.), Ecological Considerations in Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 473p. 






Qualls, R.G. 1984. The role of leaf litter nitrogen immobilization in the nitrogen budget of a swamp stream. Journal of Environmental Quality 13:640-644. 

Qualls, R.G., J. Chang, S.F. Ossoff and J.D. Johnson. 1984. Comparison of methods for enumerating coliforms after ultraviolet disinfection. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 48:699-701. 






Qualls, R.G. and J.D. Johnson. 1983. Bioassay and dose measurement in UV disinfection. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45:872-877. 

Qualls, R.G. and J.D. Johnson. 1983. Kinetics of the short-term consumption of chlorine by fulvic acid. Environmental Science & Technology 17:692-698. 

Qualls, R.G., M.P. Flynn and J.D. Johnson. 1983. The role of suspended particles in ultraviolet disinfection. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation 55:1280-1285. 

Richardson, C.J. 1983. Pocosins: Vanishing wastelands or valuable wetlands? Bioscience 33:626-633. 






Fuller, R.D., E.P. Nelson and C.J. Richardson. 1982. Reclamation of red mud (bauxite residues) using alkaline tolerant grasses with organic amendments. J. of Env. Quality 11(3):533-539. 

Richardson, C.J. 1982. An ecological analysis of natural and disturbed pocosins with management recommendations. Wetlands 2:231-248. 




Richardson, C.J. 198l. Pocosins: Ecosystem processes and the influence of man on system response. pp. 3-19. In: Richardson, C.J. (ed.), Pocosin Wetlands: An Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. Stroudsburg, PA. 364p.  

Richardson, C.J. (ed.) 1981. Pocosin Wetlands: An Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York, NY. 364p. 

Richardson, C.J., D. Carr and R.H. Evans. 1981. Pocosins: An ecosystem in transition. pp. 135-151. In: Richardson, C.J. (ed.), Pocosin Wetlands: An Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. Stroudsburg, PA. 364p. 




Richardson, C.J., R.H. Evans and D. Carr. 1980. MAP: Status of pocosin wetlands (freshwater evergreen shrub bogs) in coastal North Carolina as of 1980.