DUWC'S Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP)  




Goals: Completion of this phase will reduce high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus associated with campus stormwater runoff entering Sandy Creek.


The location of the Phase 3 constructed wetland is shown in relation to the dam impoundment (1) and the Sandy Creek stream and riparian wetland (2). The Phase 3 constructed wetland, an offline system bracketing the tributary stream, is northeast of the dam and impoundment.

Phase 3 of the Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP) was designed to enhance water quality of Upper Sandy Creek and, subsequently, Jordan Lake. The recontoured channel now consists of three terraced  stream sections connected by rock steps, which is designed to slow the stream's flow, aerate the water with oxygen and increase the quantity and frequency of  stream bank overflow. Over bank flooding during storm events is a natural process in riparian (steam-related) systems, reducing the velocity of stormwater flow and encouraging sediment deposition.   The surrounding floodplain wetlands are also terraced for increased water retention time to reduce high nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations associated with campus stormwater runoff. Nitrogen and phosphorus deposited in sediments are processed by bacteria in the soil, taken up by herbaceous wetland vegetation, and are no longer free to flow downstream.


The three-phase SWAMP site was officially dedicated at a public ceremony in May 2007. In March 2009, construction began on a new phase in Sandy Creek restoration.

NEXT:  Phase 4



Stream & Floodplain

Dam & Impoundment

Stormwater Treatment

Phase 4

Phase 5

