DUWC'S Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP)  


Research Articles, Presentations, and Grants

Richardson, C.J. 2017. Conference presentation. Anabranching Floodplain Connectivity: Biomimicry to Enhance Water Quality Functions in Riparian Ecosystems. 7th International Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Symposium. Big Sky, MT. August 22, 2017.

Richardson, C.J. 2017. Webinar. Integrated Stream and Wetland Restoration: A watershed approach to improved water quality on the landscape. The Association of State Wetland Managers Webinar Series. July 25, 2017.

Richardson, C.J. 2016. Novel Stream and Wetland Restoration Approaches to Enhance Ecological Services in Wetlands in Urban Watersheds. East China Normal University, Shanghai. Invited Speaker. September 24, 2016.

Richardson, C.J. 2016. Conference presentation. Integrated stream and wetland restoration: A watershed approach to restoring ecosystem functions and services on the landscape. 10th INTECOL International Wetland Conference, Changshu, China. September 20, 2016.

Dudley, M.P., M. Ho, and C.J. Richardson. 2015. Riparian habitat dissimilarities in restored and reference streams are associated with differences in turtle communities in the Southeaster Piedmont. Wetlands 35:147-157. DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0603-5.

Richardson, C.J. 2015. Conference Presentation. Integrated stream and wetland design: A watershed approach to restoring ecosystem functions and services on the landscape. University of Minnesota Water Resources Science Program 2015 Retreat, Sandstone, MN. March 22, 2015.

Deonarine, A., H. Hsu-Kim, T. Zhang, Y. Cai, and C.J. Richardson. 2014. Legacy source of mercury in an urban stream-wetland ecosystem in central North Carolina, USA. Chemosphere DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.12.038

Ho, M., and C.J. Richardson. 2013. A five year study of floristic succession in a restored urban wetland. Ecological Engineering 61(B):511-518 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.05.001

Workshop: Integrated Stream Design in Urban Settings: A watershed approach to restoration. Sponsored by the Duke University Wetland Center and the Durham County Soil and Water Conservation District. May 7 and 8, 2013.

Phase 5 of the Sandy Creek Restoration (Richardson, Durham Soil and Water Conservation District, Clean Water Management Trust Fund, 2012)

Sutton-Grier, A.E., J.P. Wright, and C.J. Richardson. 2012. Different plant traits affect two pathways of riparian nitrogen removal in a restored freshwater wetland. Plant and Soil 365:41-57. DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-1113-3.

Long-term changes in community composition and exotic species invasion in a restored wetland in North Carolina (T. Edwards, 2012 Master's Project)

Richardson, C.J., N. Flanagan, M. Ho, and J. Pahl, 2011. Integrated stream and wetland restoration: A watershed approach to improved water quality on the landscape. Ecological Engineering 37:25-39.

Unghire, J.M., A.E. Sutton-Grier, N.E. Flanagan, and C.J. Richardson. 2011. Spatial impacts and wetland restoration on riparian soil properties in the North Carolina Piedmont. Restoration Ecology 19:738-746.

Winton, R.S., R.L. Neighbarger, and C.J. Richardson. 2011. Conference presentation: The Effects of Urban Stream and Riparian Restoration on Summer and Winter Avian Populations. Joint meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL, and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. Prague, Czech Republic. July 2011.

The Effect of Stream Restoration on Turtle Species Assemblages in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, USA (M. Nowalk, 2010 Master's Project)

Innovative approaches to stormwater management and water quality improvements in urban watersheds: Upper new Hope Creek, Sandy Creek (North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund Grant; Durham Soil and Water Conservation District, 2010)

A Macroinvertebrate Survey of Sandy Creek in Durham County, NC: A Comparative Study of Post-Restoration and Pre-Restoration Surveys (J. Still, 2009 Master's Project)

Investigating the Spatial and Quantitative Impacts of Stream Restoration on Riparian Soil Properties in the North Carolina Piedmont (J. Unghire, 2009 Master's Project)

Sandy Creek Upper Tributary Project - Phase 4 of the Sandy Creek Restoration (Richardson, Durham Soil and Water Conservation District, 2008)

Exploration of the mechanistic basis and biogeochemical implications of differential nutrient limitation among trophic levels (Richardson, EPA, 2008)

Ecological impacts from the interactions of climate change, land use change and invasive species( Richardson , EPA STAR Grant, 2008)

The Role of Plant Functional Diversity and Soil Amendements in Regulating Plant Biomass and Soil Biogeochemistry in Restored Wetland Ecosystems in the North Carolina Piedmont (A. Sutton-Grier, PhD Dissertation, 2008)

Kazezyilmaz-Alhan, C.M., M.A. Medina, C.J. Richardson. 2007. A Wetland Hydrology and Water Quality Model Incorporating Surface/Ground Water Interactions. Water Resources Research 43, W04433, doi:10.1029/2006WR005333

Richardson, C.J. 2006. Conference presentation. Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP): A New Approach to Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Interactions in Riparian Systems. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Cairns, Australia, July 13, 2006.

Richardson, C.J. 2006. Conference presentation. Changes in Hydrology and Water Quality and Initial Restoration Success During the First Year after Construction of the Duke Forest Stormwater Improvement and Wetlands Restoration Project in the North Carolina Piedmont. International Conference on Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands, New Bern, NC. April 9, 2006.

Quantification of Water Quality Improvement in Sandy Creek, a Tributary Watershed of Jordan Lake in the Cape Fear River Basin, After Stream and Riparian Restoration and Wetland Treatment Cell Creation (Pahl and Richardson, EPA 319(h) Grant, 2005-2007)

Trajectory of Ecosystem Recovery in Restored Riparian Zones in Urban Settings (Morse, 2005 EPA STAR Grant)

Water Resources Stream Restoration Development Project for Durham County ( Richardson , Durham Soil and Water Conservation District Grant, 2005)

The Role of Plant Functional Diversity in Regulating Nitrogen Removal in a Restored Riparian Wetland (Sutton-Grier, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2005-2007)

The Duke Forest Stormwater Improvement and Wetlands Restoration Project:  Final Report to the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. (Richardson and Pahl 2005.) [Available as PDF]

A Wetland Model Incorporating Overland and Channel Flow, Solute Transport and Surface/Ground Water Interactions (C.M. Kazezyilmaz-Alhan, 2005 Dissertation)

A Macroinvertebrate Survey of Sandy Creek in Durham County and Comparison to Other Triassic Basin Watersheds in North Carolina (B. Roberts, 2005 Master's Project)

A Pre-Restoration Hydrologic Assessment and Nutrient Budget for Sandy Creek , Durham , NC (R. Elting, 2003 Master's Project)

Integrating the Sandy Creek Restoration Project with Environmental Education ( M. Lawrence , 2003 Master's Project)

The Effects of a Wetland Restoration on Water Quality: A Baseline Assessment of Water Quality Indices in the Sandy Creek Project Area, Durham, North Carolina (E. Turley, 2001 Master's Project)

The Effects of Reduced Flooding Frequency on Species Composition in a Bottomland Hardwood Stand in the Piedmont of North Carolina (S. Watts, 2000 Master's Project)

Duke Forest Stormwater Improvement and Wetlands Restoration Project (Richardson, Edeburn and Medina; Cleanwater Management Trust Fund Grant, 1999-2001)




Stream & Floodplain

Dam & Impoundment

Stormwater Treatment

Phase 4

Phase 5

