Duke University Marine Lab

135 Duke Marine Lab Rd, Beaufort, NC 28516
(252) 504-7503
(252) 504-7648 (Fax)

Marine Lab Security: (for urgent needs outside of business hours)
(252) 659-0572

View the full Marine Lab directory

Enroll at the Marine Lab

ml_enrollment@nicholas.duke.edu or 252-504-7502

As an undergraduate student

Katie Wood – katie.wood@duke.edu or 252-504-7586
Amanda Cole – amanda.cole@duke.edu or 252-504-7539

View Undergraduate Enrollment Information

As a professional master's student

Kathleen Dunn – kathleen.dunn@duke.edu or 252-504-7531
Dr. Grant Murray – grant.murray@duke.edu or 252-504-7683
Dr. Pat Halpin – phalpin@duke.edu or 919-613-8062

As a PhD student

Rachel Lo Piccolo – rachel.lopiccolo@duke.edu or 252-504-7585
Dr. Lisa Campbell – lisa.m.campbell@duke.edu or 252-504-7628

Scholarships & Financial Aid


ml_enrollment@nicholas.duke.edu or 252-504-7502


Katie Wood – katie.wood@duke.edu or 252-504-7586
Amanda Cole – amanda.cole@duke.edu or 252-504-7539

Visit the Marine Lab

As a prospective student

Amanda Cole – amanda.cole@duke.edu or 252-504-7539

As a school group or visiting researcher

Gilbert Mason – dumlcampusservices@duke.edu or (252) 504-7509

Contact Marine Lab Program Directors

Are you a Duke student and want to learn about the Marine Science & Conservation majors or minor?

Katie Wood – katie.wood@duke.edu
Tom Schultz - tom.schultz@duke.edu

Interested in the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Program?

Katie Wood – katie.wood@duke.edu
Tom Schultz - tom.schultz@duke.edu

Want to join our Marine Sciences Education Consortium*?

Amanda Cole – amanda.cole@duke.edu or 252-504-7539
* must be a university or college

Information Technology

Marine Lab IT Support