About the Program

The Bonaventura Summer Research Fellows Program is a 6-week intensive summer research initiative for Duke undergraduate students at the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, NC. The program is named in honor of the late Joe Bonaventura, a highly esteemed Marine Lab faculty member, researcher, and inventor whose influence profoundly impacted the entire Marine Lab community. During the program, fellows will acquire essential skills needed to conceptualize and execute independent research, ultimately working toward the creation of a senior honors thesis for Graduation with Distinction.

The program begins with a week-long primer in experimental design and research methods, culminating in a research proposal presentation to the Marine Lab community. Fellows then spend the remaining 5 weeks conducting faculty-mentored independent research and will present their results at the end of the program.

Fellows in this program will receive a $2000 stipend along with room (double capacity) and board at the Duke University Marine Laboratory for the extent of the 6-week program. Fellows will also receive Research Independent Study (RIS) credit for Summer Session I. 

The Bonaventura Program occurs during Summer Session I, giving fellows the flexibility to choose to stay at DUML for Summer Session II to continue their research and/or take classes. Because Bonaventura funding only covers SSI, fellows can apply for additional competitive summer scholarships to support their time during Summer Session II.