NewsCrab behavior suggestive of wound-tending may improve coral tolerance to heat waves.
NewsAnimals that hunt in the dark with sonar may not be able to tell junk from squids
NewsMeet the Ocean Synthesis Lab, learn more about its research focus, lab members' experiences in the lab and the opportunities the lab offers Duke students.
NewsMeet the Hunt Lab, learn more about its research focus, a lab member's experience in the lab and the opportunities the lab offers Duke students.
NewsDuke University’s Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab led a team of researchers that mapped the population density of North Atlantic right whales worldwide to predict and help avoid harmful, even fatal, exposure to commercial fishing and vessel strikes.
NewsMeet the Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Laboratory, learn more about its research focus, lab members' experiences in the lab and the opportunities the lab offers Duke students.
NewsMarine Protected Areas must be flexible and responsive, not absolute
NewsThe vast size of the ocean makes tracking human activity there challenging, but a new study provides a startling glimpse of how extensive this activity has become in recent years and how much of it occurs outside of public monitoring.
NewsJuliet Wong is a global-change biologist, specifically interested in how climate change affects marine ecosystems and their organisms, working to predict biological responses for improved resilience to adverse environmental events. Wong presented “Organismal Responses to Climate Change in the Sea” at the recent faculty research symposium, describing several ongoing studies on coastal marine invertebrates.
NewsAs rising global temperatures push Arctic icecaps into retreat, large and small sea creatures and the commercial fishing boats that follow them are migrating northward.
NewsIn recent years, “30 by 30” has become a rallying cry in international marine conservation. It’s the idea that to safeguard marine biodiversity and limit environmental damage caused by future sea-floor mining and other industrial-scale human activities, we need to place at least 30% of the world’s oceans within marine protected areas (MPAs) by 2030.
NewsAnalysis indicates ingested microplastics migrate into whales’ fat and organs
NewsGreg Merrill, a PhD student in the University Program in Ecology, recently shared insights into his research focus, the Nowacek Lab, the impacts of his research and what he has learned working in the lab.
NewsBrianna Elliott, a PhD student in the Marine Science and Conservation program, recently shared insights into her research focus, the Read Lab, the impacts of her research and the most rewarding part of her research experience.
NewsResearchers at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and Pratt School of Engineering are co-leading a new National Science Foundation-funded project that aims to boost economic development and climate resilience in coastal North Carolina through nature-based scientific and technological innovations.