

To pre-register for the Fall 2025 semester, please let us know that you intend to enroll in our fall in-person classes through this survey: Fall 2025 DUML Undergraduate

Course Registration

The fall semester is an ideal time to be at the Duke Marine Lab in Beaufort as a Duke student or visiting student from another institution. Duke students will register in DukeHub as they do for Duke courses in Durham. All undergraduate students live on campus in our dorms (cottages). If students have academic questions about Marine Lab courses, please contact Amanda Cole ( Residential Information will be provided via email after registration. 

Attention Duke and DKU students: The Fall 2025 semester will feature the Oceans, Humans & Environmental Health program, with a travel component to the Galapagos. The required courses for this Duke Immerse program are: Sensory Physiology & Behavior of Marine Animals; Oceans, Humans and Environmental Health; Coastal and Marine Pollution; and Research Independent Study. Students must register for each course to participate. Several of these courses are also available to students enrolling in the fall semester outside of Duke Immerse. Students should apply to Duke Immerse by March 3, 2025. This Duke Immerse program is available to Duke and DKU students. 

Questions? Contact Amanda Cole (


August 25 - December 13, 2025
The Marine Lab's fall semester start/end dates and residence hall move-in/move-out dates may differ from the Duke academic calendar. Please consult the Duke Marine Lab Academic Calendar for important fall semester dates.

Fall 2025 Courses

Fall 2025 courses are tentative and will be confirmed soon.


  • Instructor: Zackary Johnson
  • Curriculum Code: NS, STS, W
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • DukeHub Listings: MARSCI / ENVIRON 319A.
  • Course Travel?: No

The major environmental, social and economic drivers of increasing global aquaculture, with a focus on marine systems. Quantitative evaluation and comparison of the range of species for aquaculture, locations where operations occur, operational aspects including environmental impacts and management considerations.  Investigation of alternative approaches and potential future areas for aquaculture expansion as well as social, economic and technical barriers to implementation.


  • Instructor: Tom Schultz 
  • Curriculum Code: NS
  • Credit: 1.0 course (4 credit/semester hours)
  • Course Travel?: No
  • Pre-requisite: Chemistry 21, 21L, 101DL, 110DL, or 201DL.

Introduces major concepts in biology through the lens of molecular biology. Molecular mechanisms that comprise the Central Dogma and variants. DNA structure and function, replication, transcription, and translation. Protein synthesis, folding, structure and function. Supporting topics related to the structure of cells, metabolism and energetics. Integration of physical and quantitative principles to molecular biology. Relevance to human diseases and the biotechnology industry. Laboratory includes an introduction to recombinant DNA technology. Not open to students who have taken or are currently enrolled in Biology 203L. Taught in Beaufort at Duke Marine Lab. 


  • Instructor: Juliet Wong
  • Curriculum Codes: NS, R
  • Credit: 1.0 course (4 credit/semester hours) 

An introduction to the biodiversity represented by major marine invertebrate groups, with emphasis on the diversity of body forms and behaviors and on anatomical structures and functions. Field trips primarily by boat allow students to explore invertebrates characteristic of a variety of coastal habitats in North Carolina, including mud flats, sandy beaches, salt marshes, oyster reefs, piers and docks, and the water column. Live invertebrates maintained in the laboratory serve as models for detailed study of form and function.

COASTAL AND MARINE POLLUTION (Required for Duke Immerse, but open to all students)

  • Instructor: Lee Ferguson
  • Curriculum Codes: STS, NS
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • DukeHub Listing: MARSCI/ENVIRON 573A

Sources, fate, and effects of organic, inorganic, and particulate pollutants in the marine environment. Topics include oil spills, coastal eutrophication, marine debris, harmful algae, sewage contamination, dredging, and emerging contaminants. Methods for measuring pollution in the marine environment and consequences for human and ecological health will be discussed. Case studies of impacted marine environments will be highlighted. Short local field trips possible. Taught in Beaufort at Duke Marine Lab. Recommended prerequisite: introductory chemistry and biology, or consent of instructor.


  • Instructor: Liz De Mattia
  • Curriculum Codes: STS, NS, SL (Service Learning) 
  • Credit: 1.0 (3 credit/semester hours)
  • Duke Hub Listing: MARSCI 287A/ ENVIRON 287A

Introduction to marine conservation biology emphasizing community outreach at local middle schools. Material focuses on issues in marine conservation and how they are addressed. Lectures cover principles of conservation, biodiversity, extinction risks, genetic tools, fishery by-catch, over-exploitation, habitat degradation, invasive species, climate change, and marine protected areas. Based on class discussions, students will develop and teach activities that address local conservation topics for middle school students. Taught in Beaufort at Duke Marine Lab. Recommended prerequisite: introductory biology.


  • Instructor: Jim Hench 
  • Curriculum Code: NS
  • Course Travel: No 
  • Credit: 1.0 course  (3 credit/semester hours)
  • DukeHub Listing: MARSCI 204A 

The oceans and life within it form complex multidimensional systems. Understanding the dynamics of how marine systems work requires an integrative approach. This course will focus on using first principles, following the flow of energy, carbon, and nutrients, to reveal the mechanisms underlying the structure and function of marine ecosystems. The first half of the course will introduce foundational concepts from physical, chemical, and biological oceanography, while the second half will provide synthetic applications. Recommended prerequisites: Math 111L, Physics 141L, and Chemistry 101DL (or equivalent courses). 


  • Instructor: Josh Osterberg
  • Curriculum Code: NS, R, W
  • Credit: 1.0 course (4 credit/semester hours)
  • Course Travel?: No – In the fall, this course is taught in Beaufort (i.e., not a travel course like the spring course)
  • DukeHub Listings: MARSCI / BIOLOGY 273LA. / ENVIRON 273LA. / ECS 374LA.
  • Prerequisites: AP biology, introductory biology or instructor consent

Factors that influence the distribution, abundance, and diversity of marine organisms. Course structure integrates lectures, field excursions, lab exercises and an independent project. Lecture topics include physical characteristics of marine systems, adaptation to environment, species interactions, biogeography, larval recruitment, and biodiversity and conservation of communities found in rocky shores, tidal flats, beaches, marshes, mangrove, coral reefs, and subtidal areas.


  • Instructor: Andrew J. Read
  • Curriculum Code: NS, STS
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • Course Travel?: No
  • Cross Listing: BIOLOGY 376A. / ENVIRON 376A.
  • Prerequisites: AP Biology, introductory biology, or permission of instructor.

The biology of cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, and sea otters. Topics covered include the diversity, evolution, ecology, and behavior of marine mammals and their interactions with humans. Detailed consideration given to the adaptations that allow these mammals to live in the sea. Evaluation of the scientific, ethical, and aesthetic factors influencing societal attitudes toward these animals and of their conservation management in light of domestic legislation and international treaties.


  • Instructor: Emily Melvin
  • Curriculum Code: SS, EI, S
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • Course Travel?: No
  • DukeHub Listings: MARSCI & ENVIRON 303SA, ETHICS 304SA

This course will focus on issues of environmental justice that pertain to the oceans across multiple scales. Students will be introduced to diverse perspectives about how people around the world think about the oceans not only as a potential source of resources, but as important social and historical spaces, and they will critically evaluate what those perspectives mean for conceptualizing environmental justice in and around oceans. They will then evaluate the ocean-related justice concerns posed by a variety of timely issues, such as global biodiversity negotiations, sea level rise/disasters, the blue economy, fisheries/aquaculture, and marine protected areas. Finally, they will apply what they have learned to a specific ocean case study to understand the potential justice implications.


  • Instructor: Dana Hunt
  • Curriculum Code: NS, STS
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • DukeHub Listings: MARSCI / ENVIRON / GLHLTH / BIOLOGY  309A.

Focus on the concept of “One Health” that the health of the environment and the people who live in it are linked.  The basis (from a biological perspective) of threats facing the marine environment and interactions between environmental and human health and their role in global health disparities.  For example, in discussing fisheries and aquaculture, the course will cover environmental impacts of these extractive industries and their importance in human and societal well-being.  This course will embrace immersive field experiences in North Carolina that will contextualize classroom learning and develop connections with practitioners and residents


  • Instructor: Doug Nowacek 
  • Curriculum Code: NS, STS
  • Credit: 1.0 course (3 credit/semester hours)
  • Course Travel?: No
  • DukeHub Listings: MARSCI 323A, ENVIRON 318A

Offshore renewable energy development requires unique considerations as an oceanic venture. Offshore renewable energy (wind and hydrokinetic) operation requires unique strategic preparation and considerations. This course will take a holistic approach to evaluating offshore renewable energy development: benefits and challenges of traditional vs. renewable offshore energy including concerns for wildlife (ocean noise generated by industrial activity, ship strikes, and a range of potential habitat changes); development of environmental impact statements; permitting processes; consultations with industry, government and other stakeholders; and legal implications. Taught in Beaufort.


  • Instructor: Most DUML teaching faculty offer Research Independent Study course options
  • Curriculum Codes: Varies by Department
  • Course Credit: 1.0 course  (3 credit/semester hours) 
  • DukeHub Course Listing: BIOLOGY, ENVIRON, MARSCI, ECS 


  • Instructor: Dan Rittschof
  • Curriculum Codes: R, W, NS
  • Course Credit: 1.0 course (4 credit/semester hours) 
  • DukeHub Course Listing: MARSCI/ENV/BIO 373LA/NEURO 381LA

Sensory physiological principles with emphasis on visual and chemical cues. Laboratories will use behavior to measure physiological processes. Taught in Beaufort at Duke Marine Lab. Prerequisite: AP Biology or introductory biology or consent of instructor and Chemistry 101DL. 


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