Duke Centennial Ecology Symposium 2024


Join us as we look back at 100 years of ecology history, thought and scholarship at Duke University! This two-day event will feature a talk on the history of ecology at Duke; faculty, students, and alumni sharing their recent research and work in ecology; a panel discussion on the future of ecology, and a keynote by M. Sanjayan, chief executive officer of Conservation International.

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Event was held April 18-19, 2024.


Event Agenda

Thursday, April 18

2-3 pm: History of Duke Ecology

  • Curt Richardson - Professor of Resource Ecology and founding Director of the Duke University Wetland Center in the Nicholas School of the Environment

3-4 pm: Hear from Alumni in Ecology Who Graduated from Duke (three 20-min talks)

  • Liz Shaver PhD’18 - Coral Conservation Program Manager, Caribbean Division, The Nature Conservancy
  • Miles Silman PhD’96 - Professor of Biology, Andrew Sabin Family Foundation Professor of Conservation Biology, Wake Forest University; Director, Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability
  • Patrick Megonigal PhD’06 - Senior Scientist & Deputy Director, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

4-4:30 pm: Break (snacks and drinks provided)

4:30-5:30 pm: Hear from Current PhD Students Renata Kamakura, Ze-Yi Han, and Anita Simha (three 20-min talks)

5:30-7:30 pm: Duke Ecology@100 Social (heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks)

Friday, April 19

9-10 am: Breakfast and Coffee Social

10-11:30 am: Keynote by M Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International

11:30 am – 1 pm: Strolling Lunch and Student Poster Session (food and drinks provided)

1-2 pm: Faculty Speakers from Duke (three 15-min talks)

  • Anne Yoder - Braxton Craven Distinguished Professor of Evolutionary Biology
  • Emily Bernhardt - James B. Duke Distinguished Professor, Biology Department
  • Brian R. Silliman - Rachel Carson Distinguished Professor of Marine Conservation Biology, Director of Duke RESTORE, and Director of the Duke Wetland and Coasts Center

2-2:45 pm: Faculty and Alumni Panel Discussion on the Future of Duke Ecology

2:45 pm: Closing Remarks

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If you need a disability-related accommodation, please contact Katie O’Grady at 919-613-8003 or odar@nicholas.duke.edu.