A note from Nicholas School Dean William L. Chameides:

***UPDATE 5/10/13***

The After Disaster cleanup crew has nearly finished with the first phase of the clean-up in the A-wing of the Levine Science Research Center.  They should be out of the building and the A-Wing access will return to normal security hours after 4 p.m. today (Friday, May 10).

The next phase of rebuilding and restoration -- drywall, painting and carpeting -  is being undertaken by O.C. Mitchell Construction and will be done on a floor-by-floor basis, beginning with the 3rd floor. They will work with Anne Jones to develop a schedule so room  occupants will know a day or so ahead of time when their area will be under “construction.”  All questions concerning the rebuilding should be sent to Anne.Jones@duke.edu.

The women’s 3rd floor bathroom is temporarily closed due to a new water leak.  The mailroom is open and regular mail service has returned to normal.


By now you may have heard that there was a small fire in Levine Science Research Center on Tuesday evening, April 30. The fire was quickly extinguished and there has been virtually no fire and smoke damage. Unfortunately we have experienced significant water damage and for at least the next 10 days conditions in LSRC will be unsettled while workers are drying out the building.

The good news is that damage to critical equipment and files has been minimal and we should be up and running soon.

In the interim:

  1. Please minimize your visits to LSRC if you do not work in the building
  2. If you come to the building please exercise caution - ductwork and wires along the floors abound. Also you might bring some water with you as the air is quite dry.
  3. The conference rooms in LSRC will not be available during this time. If you need an alternate conference room please contact Anne Jones at anne.jones@duke.edu.
  4. The mail room in LSRC has been moved temporarily. We are working on a ’mail plan’.  Please stay tuned.