- MEM Environment Concentration: Coastal and Marine Systems (CAMS)
- MEM Management Concentration: Community Engagement and Environmental Justice (CEEJ)
- Expected Graduation Date: May 2025
What is your previous work experience?
I’ve always known I’d pursue a career in the sciences, I just didn’t know I’d spend eleven years as a Marine Corps pilot before I could. My previous career as a C-130 pilot took me to dozens of countries where I could experience and appreciate other cultures and explore foreign lands. These experiences opened my eyes to both the vastness and paradoxically the smallness of our world. The interconnectedness and fragility of our world, and mankind's ability to alter it motivated me to change career paths.
Why did you choose the Nicholas School?
My previous career brought my wife and me to Beaufort, NC almost ten years ago. During this time I became familiar with the area, Duke's Marine Lab, and the fascinating research being done there. At the public library I attended a Duke professor's presentation about their research in Antarctica after which I was hooked. When I learned about the MEM program I knew the Nicholas School would be the right fit. The program has much to offer over a broad spectrum of topics as well as the flexibility to choose your own adventure.
What are you looking forward to as an incoming Nicholas School student?
I am very excited to learn all that I can from the staff and my fellow students who bring together a diverse background of experiences but share similar interests.
Do you have any areas of interest or special focus you will undertake during your time at the Nicholas School?
My interests are currently very broad and include conservation and restoration ecology, biogeography, and mesopredators.
What are your current career aspirations?
To pursue a career field in which I'm interested in and passionate about while leaving a legacy of responsibility and stewardship in the hope that future generations can enjoy a better world.