impalas and lions in Kruger National Park
Photos taken by students in Kruger National Park, South Africa, as part of the spring break travel component of the ENVIRON 323/623 Ecological Diversity and Climate Change course.
students doing field work in South Africa
Students set out rodent traps, and after one day, there were two bush veld gerbils, one fat mouse and some unexpected bush veld rain frogs. Measurements were taken including weight and body length, individuals were marked and set free.

Ecological Diversity and Climate Change, a course open to undergraduate and graduate students, evaluates the science of biodiversity and climate change, including changes happening now, in the past and what we can expect in the future. Students explore topics such as forest diebacks, intensifying drought, increased wildfire, insect and pathogen outbreaks, and poleward migrations of land and marine populations.

Students also gain experience with in-demand analytical tools used to quantify change, such as basic distribution theory, data manipulation in R and simulation methods. 

During their spring break travel component in Kruger National Park, South Africa, students conducted field work and reported their experiences on the course travel blog.

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