Senior Fellow and ConvenorCentre for Biodiversity and Conservation, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
MS'93 statistics, PhD'99 soils and hydrologic science
Program Manager, Enabling Good LivesNew Zealand Ministry for Social Development
MEM '90
Co-Instructor in the Nicholas School of the Environment
Program AnalystERT Inc.: NOAA Fisheries Restoration Center, Office of Habitat Conservation
MEM '10
Assistant Professor/Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Campus DirectorNorth Carolina State University
Co-founder and Social Media DirectorThe Valentine Project
M.S. '13, Environmental Science & Policy
Senior Vice President, Moore Center for ScienceConservation International
PhD '00, Environmental Politics & Policy
PartnerKairos Government Affairs
MEM '10; Bachelor Degree, Environmental Economics, Univ. of Georgia
Senior Scientist & Deputy DirectorSmithsonian Environmental Research Center
PhD '06
Senior Associate, Global Shark Conservation CampaignThe Pew Charitable Trusts
MEM '07